Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Toxoplasmosis namely how obtained

Toxoplasmosis is how won?
Previous story I wrote a small corrected, so I benefited. now the incidence of toxoplasmosis epidemiology, infection source, transmission, population susceptibility, epidemiological specifics terse, to prepare for the incompetent earlier. toxoplasma infection may also cause other diseases, to be there Preparation of the above one by one baby boom.
toxoplasmosis (Toxoplasmosis) is a zoonotic disease, and numerous species of birds and mammals is a human source of infection, its mode of transmission of intricate, can be Vertical congenital infection occurs, but also the level of acquired their infection happened. The disease is warmhearted dispensed in bring an end to ...the world, many countries and zones, 25% infection rate of 50% as tall as 80% or extra. Our infection rate was 5% ~ 20%.
animal source of infection is toxoplasmosis
most important source of infection. gondii in animals, a widespread, has accustomed that all the warm blood can be as Toxoplasma gondii infection. is a bow natural moth host.
common are:
primates (monkeys, apes, etc.)
meat category (dogs, cats, silver fox, etc.)
rodents (mice, rabbits, etc.)
cloven-hoofed (pig, cattle,beijing escort, sheep, etc.)
marsupials (kangaroos, etc.)
birds (fowls, ducks, geese, pigeons, Firebird, sparrows, etc.)
insects (mosquitoes, flies, lice,coercing the Ground in had moved westward. Baoqing war, fleas, cockroaches, bugs, etc.)
appending, some of the cold-blooded reptiles such as turtles, lizards, geckos, chameleons and other bodies have Toxoplasma gondii.
animal infection
cats: fecal oocyst The detection rate of 25% ~ 100%.
pig: parasite revelation rate of 1.1% ~ 35.6% (natural massacre inspection).
dogs: report of 32.2% in 1986, the United States, Spain, 79% in 1986, China 1985 Liaoyang 46.6%.
(space is restricted, other animals are not introduced one by one, merely closely related to cats and persons, pigs, dogs)
1. Congenital: fetus through the placenta in the mothers womb The infection, understood for vertical transmission.
2. Acquired: after the birth of human infection acquired from the outside world, also known as the level of infection.
acquired infections are introduced
1. transmitted through the absorbent tract: (1) The spread of cysts, namely involve Toxoplasma cysts dining raw or undercooked mutton and cause. (2) The oocyst transmission. cats and cats from the fecal excretion of large amounts of T. gondii oocysts, and its resistance to strong long-term pollution of the surroundings, become one essential source of infection. When people in adjoin with them can be one infection. This oocysts r r surroundings worthwhile of people's means of communication.
2. contact transmission: with infected animals, especially cats, dogs, rabbits and other close contact. Many of these animals from the bronchi, sputum and saliva to detect Toxoplasma gondii parasite. humans in near contact with them, when the hand when the face was licked or bitten, may have the hazard of infection. (1990 Zhao Zhongtang, such as testing the family cat who Jinan infection rate was significantly higher than non-cat landlord, reserving time <1 year, 1 to 2 years, g2 the risk of infection of Toxoplasma gondii were To those who did not support 1.3 times 2.8 times 3.5 times).
3. The scatter of marred skin and mucous films.
4. spread by insects or blood-sucking arthropods.
5. through blood transfusion and apparatus transplantation Communication.
6. spread by air droplets and dust.

susceptibility surrounded populations of T. gondii are generally susceptible. gondii susceptibility of fetuses and juvenile children than in adults, the elderly, cancer patients and immuno inhibitors boost the susceptibility of T. gondii, may have immature immune function alternatively to lower them.
popular features
1. incidence. toxoplasmosis mostly potential infection, the accurate occurrence namely not clear, ever since there is no an nation can cater precise incidence. people have not symptoms behind infection of Toxoplasma gondii .90% of the clinical declarations of systemic lymphadenopathy, fever and fatigue and so above. These symptoms and signs easily confused with other ailments.
2. crowd infection. toxoplasmosis was the global delivery of circulation, the infection rate among quite general. Possible reasons ① assorted times in the life cycle of Toxoplasma gondii are infectious. ② on host and parasite tissue selectivity is not strict, and people are closely narrated with the susceptibility of various animals. ③ terminal between hosts, between the intermediate host, the final between the host and intermediate host, can be transmitted with every other. parasites in retention the host body as a long time, lusty resistance to the outside globe.
Toxoplasma gondii in different countries and different regions there are premonitory differences between populations, from 0.09% to 94% range. It is estimated that international there are by fewest 1 / 4 people infected with Toxoplasma gondii, and the crowd carrying latent infection or protozoa majority .1981 to 1990, the infection rate in different regions of China 0.1% ~ 47.3%.
infection rate is lower than for the Chinese alien nationals, in the En Shu, etc. The cause is that the most Chinese people favor to eat cooked edible institutions and customs, on the other hand the kin of one feline on less than western countries.
the fact that T. gondii and prenatal and postnatal concern
: toxoplasmosis and closely related to prenatal and postnatal care, man infection, can cause immune infertility. toxoplasma infection in pregnant women, irrespective of whether the clinical symptoms, will instantly affect fetal development, severe teratogenic even death in the meantime,toronto escorts, can fertile women abortion, death production and premature delivery, complications of pregnancy may also increase. Toxoplasma gondii infection in pregnant women, the will also affect the child's comprehension, is an important cause of mentally handicapped kid.
the on message and data, the referendum of Shu in the ex redactor of sis learn .

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