Friday, April 22, 2011

these gases ambition contaminate the air

III (below) to defend the environment (Language Learning II Project)
protection of the environment (Language Learning II Project)
a remove assignment requirements, to choose the content assignments
1, this period, the unit's text to Our vision has always been to reside in the protection of the environment, protection of ecology, through investigation, we not only know the home environment, but also musing what can we do? So, you have to have is worth someone down, or your future have imagined, in the comprehensive study, the chances are also amusing entities occurred. want to do entire beyond communication?
2, based aboard exercises tips, exercises apt select the content.
Second, since the intended heading, independent exercises
reminder: the matter to entirely clear the thought process or things to write carefully.
Third, since the reading assignments, the initial changes
1, query students to read audible their own delegations, identify problems , be modified.
2, read someone exercises to assist students change.
4 appointed perusing exercises, mutual changes
1, select a another content of exercises, named reading, students committee.
Review Points:
(1) language is fluent, precise word is.
(2) is to express oneself well.
2, anew mended their assignments.
cares of plastic garbage
In recent years, all kinds of plastic products into our lives, has brought us convenience. However, it also brought us injure.
Look, a air, like a kite on the road the same everywhere plastic bags nigh at times, after the wind stopped, these plastic bags at times hung on the branches and landed on the grass, or gathered at the roadside, impact on the environment has transform garbage.
the plastic garbage is no merely environmental hygiene, in the garbage disposal, yet likewise makes a headache. Some folk support sending burning, merely it will ooze obnoxious toxic gases, these gases will contaminate the ventilation, endangering people's health. Some advocates take it landfill, but plastic bags namely complicated to dissolve, it namely laborious to corrode. If this continues, the plant persisted to produce plastic bags, plastic garbage and laborious to knob in the hereafter we want to be surrounded at a plastic garbage! plastic rubbish to make our living surroundings has been severely destroy!
listening to the preceptor said namely some developed countries, has stopped production of plastic bags, plastic boxes, and use disposable periodical bags. when our nation tin also use disposable paper bags instead of plastic bags it?
Comments: The plastic sack is the maximum common everyday items, choose the small of the environmental shock of plastic bags for the subject matter, well chosen selection. impact on the environment from plastic bags to plastic bags of waste difficult to annotate either the perils of plastic bags , is quite persuasion. Finally, the proposal to stop production of plastic bags is rational.
Project guide: how to write essays on environmental protection
such for China ought emulate the recommendations. we have chosen this subject area, learning this book, write an story on environmental protection do?

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