Wednesday, April 27, 2011

the maximum solemn violations a corporation was fined 2.5 billion CFA francs

Forests are the lungs of the earth. Forest as the most important urban natural part of the ecosystem in the clean air, reduce ruckus and pollution, tourism has played one important function and role. In forest ecosystems, has a very rich plant resources and insects, terrestrial wild vertebrates, birds, mammals and other animal resources. to strengthen the urban forest ecosystems for biodiversity conservation, urban natural ecosystems for the livelihood of the health and permanence, amend the city's natural savor and content, with of great significance and character.
the latest FAO data show that the sustainable treatment of global forest is moving in the direction of evolution, merely in some areas, biodiversity and forest ecosystems are still below serious menace.
example :
a Central African nation of Cameroon is situated in the Congo Basin, with more than 2,200 million hectares of forests, accounting for about 42% of the absolute area, where the bird and mammal species account for about half of Africa. However, such a life and vitality of ecosystems is immediately subject to unlawful recording and poaching break.
Cameroon, the Congo Basin forest is an important makeup of tropical rain forest. However, rampant illegal logging in Cameroon's forest resources to waste, wastage. The country is responsible for forest and wildlife affairs department unlocked a report late final year, listed 70 deeds of illegal logging, of which 32 species are emerging in 2005.
illegal logging in these acts, the most common type is ; appearance the coverage of the allow and conduct the cutting of state forest land. In 2004, 90 licensed 49 companies in the punishment for such violations, the most serious violations a company was fined 2.5 billion CFA francs (about $ 4,900,000).
Cameroon have entire hunting kinds of restrictions, but the lack of supervision, the relevant provisions in many places is restricted. poachers along the track blazed by loggers into the trackless forests. where the habitat of the gorillas, chimpanzees and other wild animals are poached. the biological fetter of destruction.
II Nanling Botanical Garden (City Linke Suo) was established in August 1963, is located in Chenzhou City Luoxian Ling, a total of 168 plant germplasm collection, 625 are 1169 kinds of families, of which 90 families of woody plants 302 is 800 species, 29 families state protection and 59 species of plants, trees 110 clones, is the city forestry research base, plant science garden situ conservation of rare and jeopardized plants on the Introduction Center and spread to the economic.
Since 2005, the Government resolved to develop North Dongting Lake extension of Lok Sin Road and Botanic Garden in Nanling fix behind a mountain road, the road construction project by the Urban Development Corporation, Manley North Dongting Lake to undertake engineering excavator dug about 30 Articles on the piled earth afterward the Botanic Garden ashore the hillside Nanling .2006 August 28, we penetrate the botanical gardens aboard the hillside in a Nanling about 8 kilometers of roads have been built mostly completed. roads hack off a large digit of trees, exposed in many portions of the forest soil and bare rock yellow, many mountain landslide soil has caused serious soil erosion, loss of the elemental in many places beautiful and original natural landscape. whenever it rains, and landslides on the hillside backward the , torrents bathed away debris sandwiched nurseries, botanical gardens make Nanling resources were badly damaged. Nanling seeing at the beautiful Botanical Gardens and their hard training has destroyed the nursery were destroyed, the employees are pathetic Nanling Botanical Garden.
Third, gold precious metals refining company located in Chenzhou City, 8,5 km south from the field to shake into North Dongting Lake .1997 Shek Tong industrial area covered, the main production of crude lead, electrolytic lead, tin, silver, gold and other products .2002 taken in mid-July is no environmental protection measures to open down Shen .2000 production has not been formally put into action ahead the plant, the plant or the surrounding fruitful forest vegetation, the ecological environment in a virtuous cycle, when rabbits, foxes, weasels .2000 haunt since Jingui plant emissions of toxic gases and dust have made large tracts of forest vegetation approximately the plant died, victims of the place favor a burnt, barren life, the forest wild animals vanished. As the contaminated area is expanding, Jingui factory has formed a to the manifest for the north-south mid-point to 5964.4 acres,further {always|entireentirehings apt all with faultless virtue, where the dead area of ​​564.2 acres, an area of ​​2687 acres of moderately affected, mildly affected area soared to 2167 acres, causing direct economic losses of tens of millions. among a few kilometers away from the plant trees, fruit trees, rice, by has been presented for the degree of pollution of another omens of poisoning, tree leaves curled and deformed yellow, fruit trees cut, loss of proceeds and death. current pollution with a remove trend of fast expansion, the number of acres on both sides threaten pine, fir, bamboo, tea. < br> Jingui plant industrial pollution on the surrounding forest ecological damage, as early as this year April 2002 to ascend to leadership attaches great importance to our bureau. In mandate to detect out what kind of toxic materials in the nigh forest vegetation against the plant, we to the experts conducted a consultation. Expert Tips In addition to sulfur dioxide, ozone damage, there are other perils of toxic substances.
2000 年 7 mid-side of our office in Jingui plant samples collected plants and sent to the lake surroundings engineering inquiry only the lead, 2 heavy metals cadmium analysis shows that: Jingui death factory side of the natural lead content of plants plants 806,9 times, one kilometer of lead in plants is customary 37,3 times, including Cadmium also exceeded the regular 7.31m29.1 times. test results are shocking.
2002 年 7 12, I invited the Bureau of Central South Forestry University, Professor Zhao Sidong (Ph.D. advisor, the State Council special allowance) 3 field trips, etc. the scene,toronto asian escort, made a Farm Bureau North Dongting Lake in association with the technical staff together with representatives of Jingui factory a detailed investigation, confirmed that pollution caused by forest vegetation Jingui plant victims, it also base a curious phenomenon: there was almost no contamination with pests, wild animals have perished . Experts analysis for shrouded in toxic gases and dust, pests and diseases can not survive.
2002 年 9 late May, the Municipal Bureau of Agriculture Jingui vegetation in almost 1 kilometer away from the sampling area, to give a Monitoring Center exceeding 5.96 periods that of sulfur. specialists to explain: In the raw guide smelting process, the lead as the main production revitalization, it is distributed less dust in the exhaust gas, and cadmium, arsenic and lead ores as a Companion in the raw lead smelting process namely almost entirely excluded to the emission of dust and slag.
2006 年 8 months, we once again came to Jingui plant, to know the company's environmental pollution Jingui .8 green this is the summer season, the learn group where the company line to the Jin-Gui Shi When covered countryside, he was struck by the sight. to Jingui Company site as the heart of the north-south extension of about 6 annuals, a brown, not only pine, cedar, bamboo, tea tree fuel, etc. into Mikie, even Hardwood is also part of the die bushes and weeds. And Jingui our plant chimneys are continually coming out toxic smoke, the ventilation fraught with a pungent savour.
intact jungle ecosystems: forest layer apt tree for the chief body, including shrubs, grasses, moss, fungi, savage beasts, microorganisms and other biological teams, and non-biology geology, geomorphology, taint, weather, hydrology and other factors namely form. forests constitute the main body of terrestrial ecosystems, It effectively regulating weather, water preservation, taint and water conservation, product and living for the human to cater ecological security conservation.
However, the formation of forest ecosystems requires a fairly long period of succession, once formed, the normal external disunite a decisive resistance and buffering capability. However, if you encounter man-made erasure, such as deforestation, forest fires, the intensity of industrial pollution, forest ecosystems tin be destroyed overnight. deforestation and forest launch You tin too manually alley reforestation restoration of plant, or pretended method to promote the formation of natural regeneration of slash secondary. However,beijing escort, whether intensity of industrial pollution, ambition bring a catena of consequences. First, the pollution occasioned death biological communities or for the whole group some category distinctions in resistance to necrosis, a direct outcome of forest dispose of plant and biological diversity; Second, sulfur dioxide, in addition to the direct dispose of vegetation, the formation of sour rain in a certain range, and competence to reduce the soil, nutrient leaching, soil acidification , impoverishment, desertification. soil aluminum and heavy metal elements are stimulated, suppress the growth of trees, in serious cases caused along vegetation in great areas of death; again, massive metals (arsenic, cadmium, lead, mercury, etc.) contaminated land can not grow, even if the production out of the product can not eat. As the fixation of heavy metals in soil, soil remediation is costly and take decades or even centuries, resulting in a waste of land resources.
short, heavy metal pollution is not merely the economy loss caused by or ecological calamity. It is value emphasizing that impair contemporary ecological calamity, perpetrate a sin generations, the consequences are laborious to amount the economic scale.
some polluting companies, the action of forest ecosystems in China have resulted in serious injury, and bring the economic, ecological, social stability and other issues. Therefore, we have to take measures to protect the mountains of Chenzhou, a large city for the construction of ecological, establishing Chenzhou contribute to the harmony.

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