Wednesday, April 27, 2011

cooling needs apt cost extra stamina. For example

Climate change truths, trends and their impact on the socio-economic climate is the atmosphere
- hydrosphere - cryosphere - the lithosphere - the biosphere of this integrated system of slowly altering conditions. It some time (eg one month or more time) than the average amount of some appropriate representation, catching into list the average rate of change with time; while the climate in assorted parts of the category Shique average amount of time to consider these changes in space. before the Bureau of the climate concept to the average climate, surface temperature and precipitation are basically long-term average conditions; recent decades, with climate and its variability in determining the underlying surface processes and in-depth comprehending of the growing climate of the conception has been greatly amplified and evolution occurred. climate change is the climate factor in several decades or longer results in anyone long-term systemic change. Climate change may be due to natural external forcing, it may be inherent in the climate system's inner process ; also be compelled by human activities.
because of human activities and natural changes of the combined effect of the global climate warming is going through a significant change in the main function, has caused the international community and the technological community's attention. November 1988, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) jointly established the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), to carry out technological appraisal of climate change. IPCC, respectively, in 1990, 1996, 2001 published three Assessment Report on Climate Change, is currently organizing the Fourth Assessment Report scientists write. Chinese scientists actively comprised in the arrangement of IPCC assessment report, Academician Qin Dahe, China Meteorological Bureau members elected to IPCC, the IPCC has played affairs an essential role.
2001 年 IPCC Third Assessment report, 1860 to 2000 the average global temperature rose by 0.4 ~ 0.8 ℃, the twentieth century the nineties of the 20th century the warmest decade. There is much testify that scrutinized over the past 50 years, most of the global warming due to human activities.
in the environment of global warming, approximately 100 years the average temperature in China increased significantly, reaching 0.5 ~ 0.8 ℃, the global warming over the same time average slightly higher. warming the past 50 years is particularly evident, mainly in the 20th century, after the medial 80s. nearly 100 years of annual precipitation trends in China was not significant, but regional differences and long-term fluctuations. nearly 50 years of main extreme weather and climate memorabilia in the frequency and intensity of a marked change. arid north and northeast trend weight, the Yangtze River Basin and the South East region increased .1990 flooding since the annual precipitation in most years higher than the year the country, there southern flood northern drought The rainfall pattern.
According to climate models portend that the afterward 100 years global temperatures will rise by 1.4 ~ 5.8 ℃, the world, particularly in the high latitudes of the northern hemisphere precipitation will increase. the future of China was the temperature increase, precipitation also has an increasing trend. compared with 2000, the average temperature in 2020 will increase by 1.3 ~ 2.1 ℃, 2050 an increase of 2.3 ~ 3.3 ℃. 2020, the citizen average annual precipitation will increase by 2 to 3% by 2050 may increase 5 ~ 7%. the future of China's frequency of extreme weather events may increase, economic and social development and human will live a magnificent impact on production.
climate change and its effects are multi-scale, comprehensive, multi-level , the coexistence of positive and negate effects, but the negative impact of even more attention. global warming on natural ecosystems in many regions have had an impact, such as rising sea levels, glacier retreat, permafrost blend, the river (lake) ice frozen and later early melting, longer growing season in high latitudes, factory and animal delivery to the polar regions and the high height enhancement of the rebate in the number of decisive animals and plants, some plants flowering early, and so on. climate change impact of our citizen economy may be negative for the Lord, will face China's future agricultural production, the emulating three important problems: increased instability in agricultural production, yield and mercurial; layout and framework of agricultural production will be a change in crop cultivation system, significant changes may occur; agricultural production conditions change, a substantial amplify in agricultural costs and investment. climate warming will lead to surface runoff, drought and overrun frequency and water quality in some areas such as change, particularly water afford and claim will be more prominent. and the heat wag weather-related illnesses and mortality may mushroom. climate warming sea level rise will seriously affect the social and economic evolution in coastal areas.
climate change, you know how much?
Principles and carbon dioxide emissions of greenhouse
greenhouse effect, the atmosphere, greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide, the greenhouse
principle: solar radiation is mainly short-wave radiation, surface radiation and cloudy radiation, compared with long-wave radiation. atmospheric long-wave radiation digestion of lusty absorption of shortwave radiation is relatively feeble.
during the day, the sun light shines on the Earth, part of the energy absorbed by the atmosphere, some is reflected behind into space, about 47% of the energy absorbed by the Earth's surface.
night, the way the Earth's surface in infrared during the day and dispensed to the macrocosm energy absorbed, most is preoccupied by the atmosphere.
outcome, the atmosphere is like, like the greenhouse covered with glass, you can save some of the heat, the earth would not fall, like the moon, when the temperature was quickly rising sun, discerning the sun when the temperature dropped sharply.
how to acknowledge the greenhouse effect: Imagine, if no greenhouse effect, Earth would be chilly as person habitation. It is estimated that, if not the atmosphere, the Earth's surface temperature is minus 18 degrees Celsius. is that there the greenhouse effect, before the world temperature is nourished at 15 degrees Celsius. we understand the moon, because there is not atmosphere, the vertical radiation in the sun during the day where the temperature can approach 127 degrees Celsius, when the night temperature dropped to minus 183 degrees Celsius skillful.
Why on earth would be warming? very simple balance of payments imbalances. is like saving the earth bank to proceeds (heat) is greater than cost (scattered energy), to increase the natural temperature.
greenhouse A major culprit is greenhouse gas emissions. greenhouse gases increase, strengthening the greenhouse effect, while carbon dioxide is the largest number of greenhouse gases. Today, the outside surface long-wave heat radiation emitted carbon dioxide produced by combustion of natural gas, distant surpassing the level of the past . On the other hand, due to deforestation of jungles, large tracts of farmland into cities and factories, destruction of vegetation, reducing the carbon dioxide into organic matter conditions. paired with the dwindling of surface waters, precipitation has been significantly reduced, reducing the absorption of the conditions of liquefied carbon dioxide, carbon dioxide production and transformation undermined the dynamic balance to carbon dioxide in the atmosphere every year. the growth of carbon dioxide in the air to the earth's temperature has changed.
the passage of the cryosphere and climate change
cryosphere, snow cover, sea-level rise
What is the cryosphere? cryosphere refers to the earth's surface water to form part of the solid state, including all types of ice, snow and frozen taint , such as glaciers, snow cover, permafrost (permafrost and seasonally frozen ground), sea ice, river ice, lake ice.
cryosphere Why is this important? Cryosphere (divided into land, cryosphere, marine cryosphere) is an important component of the climate system, cryosphere expansion or synopsis will lead to participation in local, regional or global water cycle can be reduced or increased energy and water, and can be accompanied by changes in water balance to climate, hydrology, context and a series of interactions between ecological processes.
terrestrial cryosphere (including snow, lake ice, creek ice, glacier / cover, seasonally frozen floor, permafrost) along affecting the water cycle in the Earth's surface, regulate the weather. such as snow and ice aboard land, the water cycle for a keep of water in the manner of runoff (effectively in the tundra), etc..
Marine Cryosphere: Sea ice about 10% of global ocean surface, affecting the oceans and the atmosphere between matter and energy exchange. ice freezing precipitation brine makes the ocean surface mingled wafer thick, on the inverse, the salt content of sea ice melt have a smaller body of water to make beyond stratified mixed layer. by which the sea ice in the world heat balance, the global thermohaline propagation plays an important role in other aspects.
snow cover is the largest component of the cryosphere, covering 33% of Earth's land surface area. about 98% of the seasonal distribution of snow in the northern hemisphere. < br> peril signals: sea class mushroom. Over the past 100 years, sea level has risen 10 to 26 cm, which occasioned thermal expansion of sea from 2 to 7 cm rise in volume, the rest mainly due to the melting of land ice. affect the global sea-level change of assorted factors, the biggest uncertainty factor is the polar ice caps. mountain glaciers are shrinking at present a crowd of the state and, therefore, play a significant role of sea level rise.
changes in climate warming and the Biosphere
Keywords < br> warming, biosphere, species changes
What are the consequences of global warming? latest research suggests namely man-made global warming a colossal clash on the world system of life, as with: seven continents consume a lot of the glacier, thawing permafrost, the northern hemisphere to the latitude and longitude of some biological zones of high migration, Europe, North America and Australia, shook to additional zones of birds, animals and fish survival of marine planktonic sea change. in biological survival system, the 90% change and global warming are closely interlocked.
rising sea levels, the human alive environment will be affected? sea levels will rise, will lead to coastal wetlands, mangroves and coral reefs, loss of ecological teams, coastal erosion of the terrible consequences of global warming, sea water intrusion of coastal ground water level, salinization of coastal land, resulting in the coast, estuaries, bays natural environment balance, to the coastal ecological system calamity.
climate change warming, will affect biodiversity? British scientists recently issued a learn amazing results: global warming will lead to mass extinction of plants and animals on Earth. Although men may eventually run the mugging, but half of the Earth category will disappear. University of York and Leeds University scientists of the past 520 million years of climate and biological diversity, the relationship among the in-depth study to cover nearly all of the fossil disc, for the first time revealed the climate and the relationship between biological variety. The researchers base that when the temperature of the Earth in a conditions, biodiversity increased.
Kenya Wildlife Service recently said that by climate change and other factors,toronto escorts, if current trends continue, the lion in Kenya will entirely disappear in 20 years. The report said over the past 7 years, Kenya's lion has been an average reduction rate of 100 per year, from about 2,749 in 2002 down to about 2000 now. caused by the reduced size of the lion population of people and animals, including the reasons for clash, lions habitat the ecological destruction, climate change, disease, and population growth.
the relationship between oceans and climate change, global climate change, marine
role in the process and the impact of climate change on oceans is the time Manado, Indonesia The theme of the world's oceans.
Ocean is the world's climate system is an important part of it through the material exchange with the atmosphere of energy and water circulation in the role of climate in the norm and reliability play a crucial role, known as the Earth's climate ; regulator br> ocean is the main source of water vapor in the atmosphere. seawater will a lot of humidity evaporates from the ocean into the atmosphere and sea surface evaporation accounts for about 84% of the total evaporation, to 3.6 trillion cubic meters per year of water into as water vapor. Therefore, evaporation of ocean thermal conditions and the atmosphere around the straight heat and water vapor content and distribution.
same time, the ocean has absorbed 40% of atmospheric carbon dioxide, while carbon dioxide was the leading cause of climate change greenhouse gases.
the other hand, also caused climate change on oceans had a tremendous impact. warming cause the sea level and sea temperature, with an increasing, while the ocean absorbs the excess carbon dioxide caused acidification of these either the marine and coastal ecosystem destruction, is thought to be coral bleaching, coral mortality, and a array of small isles creature dipped source of the problem. to Indonesia, for example, the Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries said that in the coming decades Indonesia will have a digit of islands sinking due to rising sea levels and sea. The University of Queensland, Australia Environmental experts also issued a report Orville, if you do not perform immediately, the Earth's coral reefs will vanish in this centenary.
In addition, climate changes in ocean climate models also make changes and ocean currents, thereby increasing the extent of marine disasters. In particular, intrusion of sea water after acidification, will enter the land,beijing escort, the mouth of the estuary a significant impact on ecological systems. China's State Oceanic Administration marine science and technology experts, Dr. Zhou Zhigang said on our part, because of the economic amplified cities are concentrated in coastal areas, so for the work of disaster obstruction and mitigation of marine disasters and the magnitude of carrying out marine engineering.
the human diet, University of Chicago 2006 In a study: If a person from the typical American diet into a vegetarian diet, but maintain the same calorie intake, he will reduce annual emissions of 1,485 kg of carbon dioxide equivalent.
carbon dioxide emissions in general, each mankind activities to 24 hours will be 16 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions in the atmosphere. fuel emissions of carbon dioxide gas generated per unit of energy is coal, the carbon dioxide produced by the half. Natural gas is 0.19 kg CO / kWh, coal 0.30 kg CO / kW time. methane organic matter decomposition in the circumstance of the formation of oxygen gas. biogas methane by 70% and 30% of the carbon dioxide blend (natural gas is almost 100% methane). lighting an ordinary 100-watt light bulb for each half-hour the carbon dioxide generated can thump a balloon.
skylight heat detriment an ordinary night in the winter to open wasted energy enough to make a car voyaging 35 miles or more. attic / insulation on the top floor loft / altitude for each Heat handling can make the maximum of the families of the energy loss by 20%. microprocessor laptop desktop computer power consumption is about half. standby power consumption of the United Kingdom each year due to the small electrical standby power waste caused by up to 740,000,000 pounds. If your water heater energy efficiency water heater secondhand for more than 10 years, consider purchase a fashionable condensing water heaters. effective condensing water heaters can be 90% of the fuel is converted into heat, while the average water heater is only able to convert 78%. household lighting energy consumption if each Ontario the kin family to three 100 watt light bulb for 25 watt energy saving bulb, then save the electricity for 130,000 households to use.
incandescent bulbs when you corner on, only 2% of the energy converted into light . The rest of the form of electrical energy to thermal energy wasted. a light bulb 1 kWh of electricity required (kWh) is equal to a 100-watt light bulb 10 hours of power necessitated. energy-saving light bulbs energy saving light bulb lamp life of an ordinary 12 times. home lighting home lighting accounts for about 12% -15% of the electricity. the use of energy-saving light bulbs energy saving light bulbs used in the best area for a long time need to corner on the lights. frequently switch will shrink the life of energy-saving light bulbs.
A cup flask recycling renewable energy saving light bulb for a 100-watt light for 4 hours. glass jar glass jar by a conservation renewable renewable energy can play for 3 hours a TV agenda. aluminum recycling one ton of aluminum recycled can save the energy equivalent of 2,350 gallons of petrol. the equivalent of one mean household electricity consumption in 10 years.
what crisis?
1, fluorescent instead of incandescent lamps commonly used in 40% of the ordinary incandescent light energy can achieve the same brightness, the use of fluorescent lamps, 300 pounds of carbon dioxide per year to avoid being emitted into the atmosphere.
2, winter low of two degrees Celsius, two degrees Celsius in summer and high energy consumption of people's lives, almost half of the used in the heating and cooling on. In the winter, the indoor temperature down two degrees Celsius, two degrees Celsius increase in summer, a year can reduce 2,000 pounds of carbon dioxide produced.
3, regular cleaning stoves and climate conditioning, alternatively replace the percolate to do so can reduce the 350 pounds of carbon dioxide per year is emitted into the atmosphere.
4, do not let the use of electrical appliances on standby The switch clasp, directly off electrical appliances, not the remote control. 3 hours a day seeing television as an example (the average time Europeans watching television) and the remaining 21 hours, if the appliance is in standby mode, we must spbring an end to ... vain 40% of the electricity.
5, the water heater with insulating blanket wrapped with such a uncomplicated course to 1,000 pounds a year tin dwindle carbon dioxide emissions, whether the water heater temperature set by 50 degrees Celsius, but also avert 550 pounds per year carbon dioxide making.
6, to refrigerators and freezers away from heat if placed in the refrigerator and freezer away from the place near the stove heating, cooling needs to cost more energy. For example, if you put them in temperatures of up to 30 ~ 31 degrees Celsius in the apartment, the quantity of electricity that is 2 times the normal condition, in this state, refrigerators and freezers later a year of carbon dioxide emissions to the atmosphere can reach 160 kg, respectively, and 320 kg.
7, on a regular basis to replace a refrigerator or freezer with automatic defrost defrost feature the best of the refrigerator, they are energy efficient than your existing 2 times this high.
8, do not open the window a long time, so that heat from the general loss of the air window in the room a few minutes on it. If you let the windows open all day long, cold winter (when the outside temperature is below 10 ° C) heating apparatus in order to maintain the room temperature, will consume a lot of energy, which will produce up to one tonne of carbon dioxide.
9, cooking, covered with lid do Worm m Guofan can save a lot of energy. rather with a oppression cooker and steam pot, can save 70% of the gas.
10, Shower instead of bath with shower only baths energy consuming 1 / 4. In mandate to aggrandize energy savings can also be changed to low-flow shower heads, low and cozy.
11, promote the rendition of the appropriate cold house In the bedroom walls and dome with insulation material, a year can not only save you 25% of heating costs, but also discourage 2,000 pounds of carbon dioxide emissions. In adding, sealing and weather stripping accompanied to the windows, to avoid 1,700 pounds of carbon dioxide per year generated.
12, organic waste recycling is about 3% of greenhouse gases from the biodegradation process of methane release. of organic waste for recycling, if you have a garden, on the use of composting, so to avoid methane emissions. It should be noted that the organic waste that needs to be fully ample oxygen degradation, if the oxygen supply will not only loosen methane, and make your garden an unpleasant odor.
13, producing a advisable shopping 1.5L bottle filled with the energy essential to drink 3 bottles of 0.5L than the production of drinks fraught less, the proposed purchase first large bottled drink, so that can avoid extravagant waste. use of recycled paper can save 70% -90% energy, reducing deforestation.
14, re-use shopping bags when shopping stores refused to provide a one-time shopping bags, use reusable shopping bags, which saves energy and avoid waste. disposable shopping bags of waste generated not only emissions to the atmosphere of carbon dioxide and methane, air, groundwater and soil pollution will have.
15, plant a tree during the growth of m tree will absorb one ton of carbon dioxide by photosynthesis. shade of a tree can also be for people to enjoy the cool air reduce the number of air conditioning, to save you 10% to 15% of the electricity.
16, switch to green energy in many leading cities, people can use wind energy, Solar energy is so clean, renewable energy.
17, to buy locally produced food locally produced food provincial gasoline and money.
18, to buy fresh foods instead of frozen Frozen food production per cent more energy-consuming process 10 times.
19, buy organic food compared to normal planting soil, organic soil can absorb and store more carbon dioxide. If all the rice and soybeans are grown in organic soil, you can avoid the 580 billion pounds of carbon dioxide being emitted into the atmosphere. < br> 20, less meat in addition to carbon dioxide, methane is undoubtedly the largest share of greenhouse gases in the gas, while the cow is the largest of all methane emissions from livestock who them to forage for food, and is a multi-stomach animals, each breathing process the release of large amounts of methane will.
21, reduced driving times, as hiking, cycling, carpooling with others, and use of public transport is short of 10 miles per week, one year to avoid 500 pounds of carbon dioxide can be emitted into the atmosphere .
22, on a regular basis to the car to do regular conservation of your car maintenance, help to improve fuel efficiency, thereby reducing exhaust emissions. at all times 1% of the landlords can do regular maintenance, the atmosphere can be reduced by 10 billion pounds carbon dioxide.
23, save gas change your driving habits can reduce carbon dioxide emissions. choose the right gear, do no abuse the brakes, select the applicable gear when working downhill gear instead of engine braking, if the car requires more than shrieking 1 minute, it will alternate off the engines.
24, a small aircraft aircraft in flight will produce a large number of gas a year to reduce the number of airplane, even if only one or two, for the reduction of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere have great help.
25, protect the global forest resources during forest in the global warming played an important role: burning and felling trees in the process, the stored carbon is released into the atmosphere. According to statistics, every year due to deforestation forests of the total carbon dioxide produced by 20%.
26, will be the message to others.
savings for every 1 kWh of electricity
1 equivalent: 25-watt light bulb for continuous 40 hours;
household refrigerator to run the day;
ordinary fans can scamper continuously 15 hours;
TV able to open 10 hours;
8 kg of water can seethe;
can vacuum detergent to clean the room 5 times;
can ran 80 km bike;
available cookers burning two delicious dishes;
electric shower can be washed with a comfortable bath.
is equivalent to saving 1 kWh of electricity per:
save 0.4 kilograms of standard coal;
4 升 water;
cut cornersner dust 0.272 kg; 0.997 kilograms of carbon dioxide; 0.03 kg of sulfur dioxide; 0.015 kg of nitrogen oxides pollutants.
energy conservation, climate change, the use of energy-efficient appliances, rational use of electrical appliances
and tall energy consumption compared to high-efficiency energy-saving appliances use only one-half to an tenth of the energy to accomplish the same functions and effects. and there are higher quality, longer service life and so on. in the buy of electrical appliances, can refer to the energy efficiency label: from 1 to 5, decreased energy efficiency. Select energy-saving energy efficiency naming a product , power and money can assist us.
home energy efficient lighting. with high-quality energy-saving lamps instead of incandescent, not only to reduce power consumption, but also amend the lighting effects. the same power consumption of energy-saving lamp sunshine of incandescent lamps 1 / 4; an energy-saving lamps can save families a year in electricity charges 24 yuan, and the general energy-saving lamp life than incandescent grow 6 to 10 times; use of energy-saving lamps, indirectly reduce the flaming of coal and other fossil fuels due to emissions from power generation carbon dioxide, endow to the fight against global warming; use of energy-saving lamps, indirectly reduce the scalding of coal for power generation caused by air pollution and mordant rain, for the future in exchange for more blue sky. to replace the 11-watt energy-saving 60-watt incandescent lamp, every day Lighting 4-hour foundation, an energy-saving lamps can save 1 year of about 71.5 degrees, corresponding to 68.6 kg of carbon dioxide emissions. in agreement with the replacement of 100 million every year a conservative estimate of incandescent lamps, can save 7.15 billion degrees, 6.86 million of carbon dioxide emissions tons.
turning off lights at home. improve the good accustomed of turning off lights at home, each household can save about 4.9 degrees per year, corresponding to 4.7 kg of carbon dioxide emissions. If the country 390 million families can do, then the annual can save about 1.96 billion kWh, 1.88 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions.
use energy-saving washing machines. energy saving washing machine washing machine than the average 50% 60% saving, energy-saving washing machines per year energy savings of about 3.7 kg of standard coal, 9.4 kg of carbon dioxide emissions accordingly. If the country each year, 10% of the general energy-saving washing machines washing machines updated, then the annual energy savings of about 7 million tons of coal, 178,000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions.
rational use of air conditioning. (1) summer air temperature increase on the basis of the national promotion of 1 ℃. Air conditioning is a large electrical power consumption, the lower the temperature setting, the more energy consumption. appropriate to increase the air temperature does not affect the solace, energy savings can be . If the air conditioning in each country on the basis of advocating increased 26 ℃ 1 ℃, annual saving of 22 degrees, corresponding to 21 kg of carbon dioxide emissions. If the country 150 million air conditioners have taken this measure, then the annual saving of about degree of 3.3 billion, 3.17 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions. use energy-saving air-conditioning. a saving air conditioning an hour less than the average power consumption of 0.24 degrees, a conservative estimate, the annual saving of 24 degrees. come from the air conditioner a few minutes early. air conditioning room temperature and air-conditioning turned off and will not instantly increase. If the country 150 million air conditioners can be out the gate early in the 3 minutes off the air conditioner can save you each year about 7.5 million kWh, 720,000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions.
as mini as possible lifts,multinational community namely gradually catching pertinent measures apt defend the universal contex, elevators across the country about 300 billion kWh of electricity consumption. via the lower floors of stairs instead of, more than one lift in the recess period to open, only part of the movement, about 10% of the elevate can reduce electricity consumption. In this way, each Elevator annual saving of 5,000 degrees, corresponding to 4.8 tons of carbon dioxide emissions. 60 million units nigh the country elevator to take such amounts could be saving 30 billion kWh per year, equivalent to 2.88 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions.
attention to energy use of refrigerators . choose an energy efficient refrigerators energy efficient refrigerators than the average refrigerator units can power about 100 degrees each year, a corresponding reduction in carbon dioxide emissions of 100 kg. the rational use of the refrigerator, the refrigerator every day from 3 min on-time, 1 year can save 30 kWh. < br> reasonable to use a computer printer. do not have to stand instead of computer screen saver, do not place the computer in standby shade saver, saving each desktop 6.3 degrees per year, corresponding to 6 kg of carbon dioxide emissions. instead of using the LCD screen CRT screen, LCD screen, compared with the orthodox CRT screen, about 50% energy saving. lower screen brightness, lower screen brightness, power consumption per desktop per year of about 30 degrees, corresponding to 29 kg of carbon dioxide emissions; each Laptop power saving of about 15 degrees per year, corresponding to 14.6 kg of carbon dioxide emissions. If the country of about 77 million units to maintain a computer screen that measures are taken, then the annual saving of about 23 million degrees, 2.2 million of carbon dioxide emissions tons.
do not use the printer to power, do not use the printer to power, each power of 10 degrees per year, corresponding to 9.6 kg of carbon dioxide emissions. If the country to maintain the printer is about 3000 million this measure, then every year can save about 3 billion kWh, 288,000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions.
reasonable use of the TV. prologue half an hour less TV each day, open half an hour less per day for each TV annual saving of about 20 degrees, corresponding to 19.2 kg of carbon dioxide emissions. reduce the brightness of the TV screen, the TV screen set to middling brightness, can achieve the most comfortable visual effects, but also power, the annual celebration each TV consumption of about 5.5 degrees, 5.3 kg of carbon dioxide emissions whereupon.
nice time to electrical power, unplug the appliance plug time. televisions, washing machines, microwave ovens, air conditioners and other household appliances, power consumption in standby mode still. If the country 390 million families, after unplugging the power, the annual saving of about 2.03 billion degrees, corresponding to 1.97 million tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions
energy reduction, slow climate change, exclude consume in the edible on.
If the citizen average reduction in food waste per person per year 0.5 kg, the annual energy saving of about 241,000 tons of standard coal, 612,000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions. 0.5 kg per person per year waste less meat can save energy of about 0.28 kg of standard coal, the corresponding reduction 0.7 kilograms of carbon dioxide emission. If the citizen average annual per capita waste reduction of 0.5 kg of meat, the annual energy saving of about 353,000 tons of standard coal, 911,000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions.
moderate alcohol expense and reduce clouding. Smoking is harmful to health smoke consumption of vigor production and also deduct from a smoke .1 day, per human per year energy savings of about 0.14 kilograms of criterion coal, corresponding to 0.37 kg of carbon dioxide emissions. If the 3.5 billion smokers in the country are doing, then the anniversary energy savings of about 5 million tons of criterion coal, 13 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions.
in advance by saving way of cooking, wash rice cooking, and drench for ten minutes. wash rice and steep for 10 minutes in advance, and then use the rice cooker to cook, can greatly reduce the m ripening time, saving about 10%. Therefore, the annual saving per household of 4.5 degrees, corresponding reduction in carbon dioxide emissions of 4.3 kg. If the country 180 million urban households must do, then saving 800 million degrees per year of carbon dioxide emissions 780,000 tons.
hood to avoid idling. in the kitchen cooking, range hood should be reasonable arrangements for the use of time to avoid prolonged idling and waste of electricity. If each hood to reduce idling for 10 minutes a day , an annual saving of 12.2 degrees, a corresponding reduction in carbon dioxide emissions of 11.7 kg.
replace the gas stove with microwave oven heat food. microwave energy than the stove's efficiency. If 5% of our go in the microwave oven for cooking, then with Compared with gas stove, an annual saving of about 60 million tons of standard coal, corresponding to 1.54 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions.
use energy-saving rice cooker. for heating the same heaviness of food, energy than ordinary electric rice cookers saving about 20% of the pot, saving about 9 degrees per year, corresponding to 8.65 kg of carbon dioxide emissions. If 10% each year from urban households choose to replace the energy-saving rice cookers rice cooker, you can save 090 million degrees , 86,500 tons of carbon dioxide emissions.
energy conservation, climate change, forest conservation, conservation and reasonable use of wood, paper supplies.
rational use of paper and lumber, will not only defend forests, increase carbon dioxide absorption, and reduce the paper and wood processing, energy consumption during transport.
refuse disposable chopsticks. China's annual production of 80 billion pairs of disposable chopsticks, end to end, and from the Moon from the Earth 21 times, they could scatter the Tiananmen Square 363 , for the production of disposable chopsticks every year to reduce amassed 200 million cubic meters of forest. If 10% of the country to reduce use of disposable chopsticks, then reduce carbon dioxide emissions per year is equivalent to nearly 10.3 million tons. I returned 3 couples of disposable chopsticks, can produce a A4 paper.
re-use textbooks. If one-third of textbooks every year are recycled, it can reduce paper consumption by about 20 million tons, saving 260,000 tons of standard coal, 660,000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions.
Paper-sided printing, copying. paper two-sided printing, copying, not only can reduce costs, but also energy-saving ...

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