Wednesday, April 27, 2011

the maximum mighty giant

Spectrum of Greek gods and the gods of the early

Hecate (Hecate): Goddess of the Night is also the goddess of ghosts and magic; first appeared in God, the creator of one of the world, creating a hell. On behalf of the < br> The dingy side of the chart of the world.
the sub (Gaea): the earth goddess, emerged now after the goddess of the night God, the inventor of one of the world, built the earth, sea and sky.
Euler North (Uranus): Days of God. the eldest son of the Asia and her husband, the first king of God. overthrown at his son.
Kronos (Cronus): The North Asia and the twelve Thai Yuri youngest children, who Tanzania. God of peace, kill his father and become king of God second.
his son was also overturned, and later fled to Italy, the establishment of self-government.
Rhea (Rhea): Ten Titan II, one of the wife of Cronus.
Nasdaq Ocean (Oceanus): also known as Oceanus; one of twelve Titans, the god of water. birth to all the rivers on the planet and the three thousand sea female immortal.
Taixi Si (Tethys): one of twelve Titans, Ocean's wife NASDAQ.
sea splashed Lean (Hyperion): one of twelve Titans, light God. the sun, the moon and the dawn of the father.
West (Thea): one of the twelve Titans, the wife of the sea splashing Lean.
Nemo Pausini (Mnemosyne): one of the twelve Titans, memory of God. the 9 Muses (the goddess of literature and masterpiece) of the mama.
love pouring Waters (Iapetus): one of the twelve Titans. Prometheus, Prometheus and the Arab-Eritrea border Las father Intuit .
Chris (Crius): one of the twelve Titans, the god of growth.
Themis (Themis): one of the twelve Titans, the goddess of order and justice. the fate of the mother goddess and the Four Seasons .
Phoebe (Phoebe): one of the twelve Titans, Yuezhinvshen.
consider Islamic (Coeus): one of the twelve Titans, and comprehension of God. Phoebe's husband.
Prometheus (Prometheus): Titan, the son of love gushing Waters. one of the most smart of the gods, known as the in the Caucasus mountains, there are vultures pecking at his liver every day, and then a good long, again and again. Heracles after the assassination of Sri Lanka was emancipated.
Eritrea border Prometheus (Epimetheus): brother of Prometheus. The most stupid one God, known as the offense and other catastrophes come to earth.
A te Las (Atlas): Prometheus, another brother. tallest one of the strong God. fined for failure against the altitude days of Zeus.
U.S. Disi (Metis): natty beautiful female Titan, a prediction. who helped collar the throne of Zeus,beijing escort, Zeus later temptation virginity to him. Finally, the body was buried
belly of Zeus.
second Lord God < br> Zeus (Zeus): son of Cronus and Rhea; in charge of heaven, is the third king of God; to corrupt the famous flower lust.
Hera (Hera): Zeus sister and wife, the beautiful daytime after; matrimony conservation of God, of special note, the protector of married women.
Poseidon (Poseidon): brother of Zeus; charge of the sea; bad-tempered and greedy.
Hades (Hades): Zeus brother; in charge of the nether world, but also the god of asset; have a hat for stealth; cruel, dreadful, but it is trustworthy
de Demeter (Demeter): Cronus and Rhea women, older sister of Zeus; goddess of agriculture.
Ares (Ares): son of Zeus and Hera; God of War; wild and bloodthirsty, but no true knight.
Athena (Athena): Zeus production of the integration with the United States Disi; the goddess of wisdom and women God of War; her wisdom, reason and the embodiment of purity.
Apollo (Apollo): the son of Zeus and Leto, and Artemis is the dual brother and sister; Titan; full name Phoebus Apollo b (Phoebus
Aphrodite (Aphrodite): love, beauty and desire of God; from the sea foam in the birth.
He Seoul Hermes (Hermes): son of Zeus and Maia; the fastest of the gods were; the patron angel of thieves, the god of trade, the adviser of their lives.
Artemis (Artemis): Zeus and Le care of women, and the Apollo is the twin brother and sister; beautiful female hunting god and the moon and protector of juvenile people.
Hephaestus (Hephaestus): son of Zeus and Hera, the only ugly god who But his wife is the god of love and beauty Aphrodite; god of fire and forging
for the gods to make weapons and armor; blacksmiths and weavers in the protection of God.
other gods
Hestia (Hestia): daughter of Cronus and Rhea, sister of Zeus; Virgin of God, does not contain government, and health is the God of the Kitchen God in charge of kin matters
Santana care Sri Lanka (Thanatos): Death; night the son of the goddess, one of the oldest gods, has a twin brother Hypnos mm (name unknown, like what Adams
is favor Greece); Hades central naval attache .
Eris (Eris): daughter of Zeus and Hera; goddess of discord, the most hi to provoke disagreement and provoked the most famous accomplishment was the Francis (Nemesis): goddess of revenge or justice; special discipline culprits.
Helios (Helios): the sun god, son of Tai Tanhai darting Lean; Apollo ancestor.
Eritrea Russia Sri Lanka (Eos): goddess of the dawn.
Persephone (Persephone): Germany, daughter of Demeter; be Hades abducted into the underworld after.
Dionysus (Dionysus): Zeus with a deadly woman Semele's son, the merely formal human blood god; Dionysus; contrived
wine grapes, and to promote the grape cultivation. itself has a dual temperament, he can send joy and intoxication, but also bloody, as usual wine,the Shaklee Corporation and the Karin That, irritability mm
Eros (Eros): Aphrodite and Hermes alternatively Ares, the son; cupids. His Images are ordinarily blindfolded because, love is all blind
. His love.
Hebe (Hebe): daughter of Zeus and Hera; goddess of youth, is Elinbosi pour mountain girl. married Heracles after the assassination of Sri Lankan wife.
Pan (Pan): the son of Hermes; forest god; Zhang with a pair of horns and a pair of Rumex. is a great songwriter and flute athlete.
God happy and playful, often the mountains are dance female immortal. However, his ugly exterior, the total can not ascertain his wife.
Fates (the Fates): in charge of the destiny of all the earth. There are three: Crotone (Clotho) textile life line, pull engraved Francis
(Lachesis) make sure the length of life, Art Luo Bosi (Atropos) tear off the life line.
Graces (The Graces): Zeus and the daughter of European law Novo Mexico; the gods of melody and dance performers, as to bring all human beauty; were Agnes Lea
(Aglaia, glorious goddess), Oufo Luo Xu Line (Euphrosyne, goddess of joy), Thalia (Thalia, inspire goddess).
Art Goddess ( The Muses): Zeus and the Titan Mnemosyne's daughters, a total of nine people; also known as the muse or goddess who shelter Eli Ya
(Pierides), for they are connate in the local asylum Eli Ya. They are cards Lapei (Calliope, rhetoric and chronicle poetry), Keli Ou (Clio, history),
Siniora Antonia (Urania, astronomy), May ear Perot Mi ni (Melpomene, catastrophe), Thalia (Thalia, comedy), Tepu Si Song Lee (Terpsichore
, dancing), along to Leituo (Erato, love verse), 波利海妮娅 (Polyhymnia, Carol), eminent te contact (Euterpe, lyrical verse).
Urry Ni Ostrava (the Erinnyes): Nemesis, Europe, Mexico, Nepal is also known as Rhodes (Eumenides). merciless revenge offenders, until his death
. matricide committed a magnificent sin of the people, especially caustic. There are three , Ti Xi Feng (Tisiphone), the United States Jiala (Megaera), A carved ear care (Alecto).
Euler them from the blood in the birth of North.
The Pleiades (Seven Fairies): A te las seven Ruhuasiyu daughter. were Ileka (Electra), Maia (Maia),shanghai massage, Tajikistan te
(Taygete), A carved ear You Ni (Alcyone), U.S. Roper (Merope), Cyprus Leno (Celaeno), Sidai Rop (Sterope). where is He
ear Miami mother of Hermes.
timing goddess (Hours): in charge of the normal order; a aggregate of three sub-mm Uno Mi ( order), Di engraved (just), E Ruinie (peace).
Peng Proteus (Pontus): means Sri Lanka (Nereus): Peng Proteus and the son of Asia, known as , one thousand maritime female immortal. wife of Nereus.
Intuit Tisi: the daughter of Nereus were amid the most virtuous.
Hai Jing (The Nereids): Nereus and Doris The fifty lovely daughters. One of 阿穆芙莱特 (Amphitrite) is the wife of Neptune Poseidon
Triton (Triton): the son of Poseidon and his wife; sea trumpeter, instrument used is a big conch.
Minoan (Minos): King of Crete; the rigid rule of law is known, so the decide of the underworld after his death; the son of Zeus and Europa.
Lada Man Dasi (Rhadamanthys): Laomi brother is also one of deep soil judge. (Remember the mentioned motorcar field is the United States do not know where to be found)
Calypso (Calypso): sea goddess, daughter of A te las; fell in love with the mortal hero Ulysses, but because of Zeus of prevention into
their marriage failed.
A carved Luo Esi (Achelous): rill god Oceanus and Thetis Tisi longest three thousand sons. all of the sirens parent.
阿尔库俄纽斯 (Alcyoneus): Son of Heaven and Earth, the most powerful giant, will not be killed on the ground.
Armagh ear Intuit Asia (Amalthea): the sea fairies, one can catching edible from the horn. A river god Hercules carved Luoe Si angle is broken after the assassination of Sri Lanka,
she will give to himself a moment Luo Esi.
Yili Si (Iris): Zeus Messenger; rainbow goddess; head ear Pierre Hardy's sister birds.
sulfur Cameroon Intuit Asia (Leucothea): goddess of the sea; Poseidon will break the ship Ulysses, she had to rescue Ulysses.
Perot earplugs (Perse): Oceanus daughter is the wife of Helios.
Rue ink Nirvana (Clymene): Oceanus and Thetis Tisi daughter. like, and a digit god have had intimate relations, including the Prometheus and Apollo
Luo, etc., and a lot of children, birth,
Circe (Circe): Helios and the ear's daughter Patricia, is a female magician , it can help people become animals.
Proteus (Proteus): the sea for the elderly, endless variations.
Scamander Los (Scamander): river name, is also a river god name; phoned g Shan Lakatos (Xanthus)
Hess Parry Rhodes (Hesperides): Jiye daughters; guarding the Asia Hera as a wedding award to the gold apple.
syrinx (Syrinx): jungle goddess, for the pursuance of Pan, into the reeds.
Pallas (Pallas): Triton's daughter; Athena accidentally slew her, because her memory of the Mingpalasi own, claiming to be par Las b Athena
European decree Connaught Mexico (Eurynome): the daughter of Oceanus, and Zeus Graces Health.
Grau Alex (Glaucus): Poseidon, being good predicted.
Wetris (Talos): Giant, the last one Bronze Age; guard Crete.
Selene (Selene): May the Goddess, Tai Tanhai daughter throwing Lean and West Asia.
Mexico Nuoti Ostrava (Menoetius): Pluto shepherd.
Shakespeare (Bio): savage incarnation, Pallas and the embankment with the Sri Lankan born the son of Fox River.
Kratos (Cratos ): the embodiment of strength, Pallas and the Andean River dike, the son of Alex, a monster. students a lot of famous monsters mm, such as Le ears that water snake, Nirvana Mexican eastern lion, slightly Myra, Sri Lanka and other Sphinx
Gorgon workers (Gorgons): Fortuna Adamkus and engraved care three daughters, one of which was Medusa.
grams of law Russia Samoa ear (Chrysaor): born of Poseidon and Medusa, a monster, the brother of Pegasus.
carved ears Park Lowes (Cerberus): three dogs, Typhon was born in Germany and Ecuador carved, guarded the gates of hell.
engraved care (Ceto): Peng Proteus and the Asia daughter; Health Gorgon personnel, Ge Laiai , and the serpent Ladon.
Radon (Ladon): one hundred dragon guarding the golden apples, carved born care and Fortuna Adamkus.
Minotaur (Minotaur): Tau island of Crete personal monster, eating human flesh, especially the Boys & Girls; the famous labyrinth of Crete, it is the
built below house catch.
Pegasus (Pegasus): Pegasus; Poseidon and Mexico born Medusa, when Perseus cut off Medusa's head, ears and grams of Russian law with Sa Du
Sa from Mexico out of the head.
grams of law Russia Samoa ear (Chrysaor): wave Cypriot born in winter and the monster Medusa, 飞马珀伽索斯 brother.
Gelai Ai (Graeae): Fortuna Adamkus and engraved care of three daughters, and workers are the Gorgon sisters; their total one eye, a tooth.
Hydra (Hydra): slightly de Typhon and Keith born water snake, there are nine first, because it lives in Le Daze ear, also known as Le ears that serpent.
Chimera (Chimaera): fire-breathing monster, it is born of Typhon and E Kade, lion, sheep, body, tail.
Scylla (Scylla): between Italy and Sicily Strait the siren.
Sphinx (Sphinx): Typhon and E Kade was born monster, winged, long a beautiful head, and lion's body; because Oedipus killed his father, br> thanks damage to Intuit.
Typhon (Typhon): The Asia and the Tartarus of the youngest son, utmost horror monsters; also known as Tai Fu Esi (Typhoeus).
Fortuna Adamkus ( Phorcys): known as passing navigators die.
Medusa (Medusa): One of Gorgon go; where people see her head will be turned into stone.
humans and demigods
Pandora (Pandora ): Hephaestus women caused by the earth, the gods bestow Zhushan.
Epa Ostrava (Epeius): The famous Greek militia craftsman, built the Trojan nag.
E Ruike Proteus (Erechtheus): Athenian; the Asia and the son of Hephaestus, brought up by the Athena.
Eritrea Claes (Eteocles): Oedipus, the son of the seven resistance against Intuit will worship, died in the hands of his brother.
Orion (Orion): handsome and muscular Hunter, to Las Ah te seven daughters love, necrosis became Orion.
Orpheus (Orpheus ): one deliberate Calliope's son; he can sound of the piano so that the mountains, rocks shake, so the beast to obedient.
piano seat after the death of a day.
Io (Io): the Mediterranean Princess of a nation, for the love of Zeus, and turned him into a small cow, Meng Niu sent by Hera, chased after the escape of Prometheus
guidance. Finally the Egyptian goddess Isis (Isis). < br> Asker Le Puy Ostrava (Asclepius): Tian Yi, Apollo and Rue son of Mexican Line; is killed by Zeus.
Bu Lise Lois (Briseis): Te Luoya famous beauty; to A Cameroon captured by Achilles, because of her beauty and caused the Greek generals do not.
Europa (Europe): a beautiful human female, the lure of Zeus, Zeus, one of the most famous sweetheart.
Ka Demo Sri Lanka (Cadmus): Europa's brother; Intuit author Baicheng.
Capa Vilnius (Capaneus): one against Intuit seven powers of chant.
Cassandra (Cassandra): Priam Adams and daughter of Hecuba; a petticoat prophet, had predicted the dispose of the Te Luoya.
Daedalus (Daedalus): the construction of the whole of Greece's most famous mains, good diversity of art capabilities.
Nepal Sophie Adams (Nireus): the son of the goddess of spring, the Greek generals who the most handsome.
Pilar (Pyrrla): Eritrean harbor ink Proteus and Pandora's daughter, the wife of Deucalion; the only escape Zeus two torrents.
Anfei A pierce Ostrava (Amphiaraus): the famous prophet, worship of the seven powers of the bombard aboard one of Intuit.
Amphion (Amphion): son of Zeus; to create a wizardry harp Intuit worship castle.
Andromache (Andromache): Hector's wife, known to love her husband.
安提罗科斯 (Antilochus): the Greek generals to attack one of Te Luoya to the handsome gallant known, is a close friend of Achilles.
Deucalion (Deucalion): Prometheus and the Rue ink nirvana son of Pilar's husband; Zeus only when the flood to break mankind leaving the two of them.
Icarus (Icarus): son of Daedalus; and escape from Crete with his father, because flying near the sun, the water and died.
Ixion (Ixion): La Bailey King of Thailand; unreasonable intent of Hera, Zeus tied him to spin the cycle on the earth will never be punished in the underworld.
Yie Xi Weng (Jasion): Zeus and a goddess of the sea son, his pursuit of German goddess of agriculture Mitt ears, as Zeus killed.
Jason (Jason): win the Golden Fleece Argo chief hero; Medea's husband.
Sisyphus (Sisyphus): The most human cunning person; death penalty in the deep taint, shove the boulder up the mountain forever, but ambition fall and the Peak rock and complicated.
grams Law Seyi Si (Chryseis): Te Luoya the daughter of the rector of Apollo respect for Agamemnon prisoners, who refused to return her father, the results guide to the sun god's retaliation
Clytemnestra (Clytaemnestra): Agamemnon's wife, killed her husband, Also killed was his son.
ink Rhodes Diomedes (Diomedes): Te Luoya War, the Greek side the famous hero.
hippo Mexican winter (Hippomedon): worship of the seven powers against one of Intuit .
Theseus (Theseus): Athenian; Greek mythology, one of the famous hero.
Telemachus (Telemachus): Odysseus's son; his father returned from the war Teluo Ya After helping his father to kill all the suitors.
Intuit Ramon (Telamon): win the Golden Fleece Argo heroes.
Intuit Ricci Aspen (Tiresias): Intuit worship prophets, blind, said Athena due to accidentally get a glance of the bath was sentenced to blindness.
Achilles (Achilles): Peleus and the sea goddess Thetis Tisi's son, sensibility invulnerable, only weakness is the ankle; Teluo Ya War The greatest hero of Greek
Adelaide assassination Storrs (Adrastus): King of Argos; against Intuit will be one of the seven worship.
Agamemnon (Agamemnon): Art Sophie Adams, son; Teluo Ya's administrator in chief of the Greek war.
Al carved Atlantis (Alcestis): the daughter of Pelias; to love her husband the famous, died voluntarily on behalf of her husband.
A Talan Intuit (Atalanta): Iraq and Afghanistan and the Rue ink Southworth Nirvana's daughter, beautiful and wild huntress.
Atreus (Atreus): Pelops and Xi Boda Lustful son of Tantalus grandchildren.
European law via Sri Lanka Sri Lanka (Eurystheus): grandson of Perseus; Heracles ordered the assassination of Sri Lanka as he did twelve events.
Laocoon (Laocoon): Te Luoya City Apollo priest, as he informed Te Luoya people should watch Trojans, Athena wrath, sent 2 snakes killed him.
Paris (Paris): Te Luoya Prince; because of his abduction of beautiful Helen and the best in the world Te Luoya caused the war.
Pa ear Stheno School Ostrava (Parthenopaeus): Storrs assassination of the brother of Adelaide, thanks to the seven heroes against one of Intuit.
Paltrow Klose (Patroclus): Mexico Nuoti Ostrava son; a close friend of Achilles; died in the hands of Hector, Achilles re death of his war against Te Luoya reference
Phaeton (Phaethon) : Apollo and the Rue ink Nirvana's son; due to strong god Apollo driving vehicles, fell to death from the sky.
Polynices (Polynices): the son of Oedipus and Yiekasi Intuit ; worship of the seven heroes opposition one of Intuit.
Tantalus (Tantalus): son of Zeus, the gods of all things; hosted by the gods to kill his son, sent off into the deep earth forever by the afflict of starve and lust.
Medea (Medea): beautiful female magician, she helped Jason acquire the Golden Fleece, and wed him; Houyinyia Song faithless, personally killed his two sons and chart
killing Jason's current love.
Pelias (Pelias): Jason's uncle, who usurped the throne should belong to Jason.
Peleus (Peleus): A ear Ge heroes; Intuit Tisi's husband, the father of Achilles.
Pelops (Pelops): Son of Tantalus; was his father made to the gods eat food, after the fate of the goddess to life.
Penelope (Penelope): Odysseus faithful wife; husband expedition Teluo Ya missing, refused all suitors, has been waiting for her husband to return.
Perseus (Perseus): Zeus and the son of Danae; Greek mythology, one of the great heroes.
Sinise (Sinnis): the famous robber, nicknamed son; is killed by Theseus.
Damasus Penates (Damastes): the famous robber, nicknamed br> Sika Rong (Sciron): the famous robber, coerced travelers to bathe his feet; almost is the son of Poseidon; was killed by Theseus.
Aeetes (Aeetes): Helios and Perot ear the son of the elder brother of Circe, the father of Medea.
Aeneas (Aeneas): Aphrodite's son, Te Luoya heroes.
Aeolus (Aeolus): Hippo Penates son, the father of Akzo Santos; gods friend, in charge of various air.
Ajax (Ajax): Intuit Ramon and Eli Jasper son, known as Great Ajax; Te Luoya Greek war hero.
Ajax (Ajax): Russia, the son of Achilles, known as small Ajax; Te Luoya Greek war hero.
Russia Achilles (Oileus): Argo Heroes one.
Endymion (Endymion): Aite Li Ostrava handsome son of the goddess Selene preference for the month.
Helen (Helen): daughter of Zeus and Leda, stunning world; Menelaus's wife; to Paris abducted the warfare caused Teluo Ya.
Manto (Manto): Intuit Ricci Aspen's daughter, also good prophecies.
Xu Las (Hylas) : Heracles a close friend of the assassination of Sri Lanka; beautiful man, was Lady in the Water away.
Phaedra (Phaedra): daughter of Minos's daughter, the wife of Theseus.
through Miroslav Klose (Teucer ): the son of Ross river god Scamander; the first Teluo Ya Wang.
Nessus (Nessus): A tourist ferry along the river Shaogong, horse people; the assassination of Sri Lanka due to take liberties with Hercules's wife was killed out, but the dying Heracles killed the assassination
Adams design.
Line Achilles (Neleus): Argo heroes.
Nestor (Nestor): nirvana son of Achilles, element of the chiefs of Greece, with wisdom known, and the male just longer than the words.
Chiron (Chiron): civilian and military horses; many Greek heroes of the instructor.
Circe (Circe): Hurley Ostrava and the daughter of Mrs ear; magic strength of the magician.
Adelaide Mexico Santos (Admetus): partook in Kalv winter wild boar hounding, Argo heroes; to his devoted wife and outstanding. < br> Philoctetes (Philoctetes): Hercules assassination of Sri Lanka's friends; Hercules died when the assassination of Sri Lanka gave him a bow and indicator.
Priam (Priams): Teluo Ya War Te Luoya King, the father of Paris.
Si Tuen care ear (Stentor): Greeks, the famous big voice, noisy and explicit voice experienced of approaching the fifty people.
dike Zeus (Tydeus): Intuit worship attack will be one of the seven.
Reminder Ostrava (Tityus): son of Zeus and Ela Rui, because of Latona unreasonable punishment in the deep earth, the eagle eating the liver for the group.
Austrian leather Aspen ( Augeas): the son of Poseidon or Helios; one of the heroes of the Golden Fleece; clear his cow manure in the assassination of Sri Lanka is the Hercules
work for one of the twelve.
Ao Tuolv Coase (Autolycus): well-known thieves and liars; Odysseus's grandfather.
Semele (Semele): daughter of Cadmus; and Zeus, Dionysus of Health.
Wetris ( Talus): nephew of Daedalus, Daedalus jealousy as being killed.
Hector (Hector): son of Priam and Hecuba, brother of Paris, Te Luoya The most manful hero, is killed by Achilles.
He shocked (Hellen): pickups and Deucalion's son. He comes from the Greek one.
the assassination of Sri Lanka Hercules (Heracles) : Greek mythology's greatest heroes, AZ Mexico, Nirvana and the son of Zeus, in order to force a large well-known.
Hexienie (Hesione): Priam's sister, was the assassination of Sri Lanka from Hercules rescued sea monster and married Intuit Ramon.
Mexico Le leather Los (Meleager): winter wild boar hunting Kalv known heroes.
Menelaus (Menelaus): son of Atreus, Agamemnon's brother, the husband of Helen; Te Luoya Greek commons in the war.
constellation fables
Constellation: Constellation's origins have been on a variety of claims, especially the origins of the zodiac, is not the same, and immediately EVE to Greek attempt the most authoritative expression

Disa Elijah King and Queen Nie stranger, the Philippine Star column, and He gave birth to flick sos Le two siblings. One year local drought, cruel stepmother Ina inflammatory
king, take his children as victims dedicated to Zeus. Nie Fei out that the plot in to the Olympic gods Hermes obtain the body of a winged Golden Fleece
Aries, Aries carrying her babies to run. Aries gold rush to fly with, already thrown into the sea to his sister Helena. to
flick Louisiana in Hera's brother arrived Ai Andes, and the local king's daughter got marital, to save his Aries devoted to the god Zeus. Zeus took gold in sheep in the zodiac Aries
Minotaur was a giant cow the first human, is raised in Crete Wangmi North (Underworld judge's grandson) of the maze, dine each seven annuals would
of the Boys & Girls, after the hero Theseus killed a Taurus, Theseus the ball of narrative by the princess from the maze.
private 恋着 Leda of Sparta's King's glamorous concubine Zeus turned into a swan flying alongside her. When she and Zeus was spring, after her husband afresh, and
attach, and soon gave birth to two sets of twins. and Zeus students called Polks, and Helen, and her husband Health and Ke Lita Castro called the United States by Stella
. Helen grew up to convert the world's first pulchritude caused the Trojan War. Fidel Castro is a boxing adept, Polks main equestrian, the two are the chivalrous news
name. one day, and another pair of twin brothers fighting, 4 people skirmish to eat a cow, interactive period of fighting. seriously injured undergoing humming Castro, Polk
Andean tears face and helpless, God compliant to dead with his brother. Zeus appeared to tell him: You are my son, who is also God, if you engage, and I returned to the Olympic
work, I agree you. but whether you and his brother knotted to the destiny that had half the time the whole life alive in the underground
, half the time to live in heaven, you must choose a route. Polks do not ambition to lose the brothers chose the latter. From then on, he accompanied Castro, once a area in the Great
, suddenly returned to heaven. Later, the Greek warship voyage, encountered a storm, the two brothers head the stars emerged, and the storm will stop. Twin Block
became ruler of the navigation.
Hercules and the Hydra Hydra war, a large crab to help trample the hero basilisk foot, two brothers were later killed either , a
Hydra Hydra, Cancer is a Cancer.
Yasen Lin Leo
Line in Mexico lived a very fierce lion eat people, pistols and knives are not in, it often appeared in the vicinity of impair people and other animals, and later was strongly 士赫克里斯 unarmed
to strangle, as Leo.
Aspen Eritrea (Astraea) is heaven The goddess of justice, the incipient was sent to globe right and bad to charge and trial, and later for the
ugly globe of possibilities are disappointed, a sense of loss apt run to the heaven. Virgo is the incarnation of her.
Libra Libra
goddess of justice, for said the world of good and malign, Zeus had accustom it said the victor of the Trojan War.
Ethiopia a large scorpion in the cave, killed later the Scorpio.
Sagittarius Greek mythology, the most
Ken famous pottery he died (half man and half horse marathon) named Chiron, who is the son of Cronus. He was quite polite, wise, accurate
through melody, medicine, and good hunting. It is said that the sun and Music of the god Apollo and the goddess of the moon and hunting them can be passed on to him. to live in caves, planted
herbs help the patient, and on benefit of dependent children lost their parents. This the ...

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