Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Guilin Forty-six armies apt fort troops

Battle of
Battle of
Battle of Wikipedia, also known as the Battle of fertilizer and water, happened in AD 383, when the Former Qin of China want to destroy the North Eastern South, and in Fei River water (Shou County, Anhui Province, southeast of this) war, the last military victory over Eastern only eighty eighty million before the Qin.
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Battle Overview Battle
Battle of
troops during the Battle of comparison

Battle of the Battle of allusions

Battle Battle Battle profiled the background
Battle of

troops during the Battle of comparison

Battle of the Battle of allusions

Battle of the Battle of significance to the Northern Expedition North-South Battle of the situation outlined in Figure

Time: AD 383 < br> warring parties: Former Qin, Jin
warring Location: Fei River water (this Wapu Shou County, Anhui China Lake area)
Results: Battle of the Eastern Jin Dynasty in Feishui Zhi
victory, the eight Under the Mt. Shou County, Anhui city. Feishui and for fertilizer, a fertilizer source of the West, between the General Ling Shou County. Eastern Jin Dynasty, Xie, Xie Xuan Fu Jian defeated at the Fei River water.'s Battle of the Eastern Jin Dynasty , is the history of our country's wars famous David and Goliath. left, Figure in black lines for the Battle of the local line of substantial control before the two sides, the red line for the victory of the Northern Expedition to Xie's death both during the actual control area boundaries.
Battle of the premier log in China for fewer conquer one more battle.
Battle of the Battle of the Former Qin army
firm Feishui and manoeuvering, the Eastern Jin Dynasty army can not across. Xie Xuan sent envoys to the Hinata public Fu Rong,toronto escorts, said: to cross the river to showdown, is also a good object you do not! . Former Qin forces a retreat to obtain out of hand.
Xie Xuan, Xie Yan, Huan Yi led the army through the river and other attacks on them. Fu Rong gallop visit military array, want to come back to escape the soldiers, led by the public, the results of horse back land, Fu Rong Jin soldiers were killed, the Former Qin's army so he collapsed. Xie Xuan and other follow up the victory, has been trailed glauca, Former Qin army defeated, autocorrelation trampled to death, covered the mountains stop mountains. escape the voice of air and heard the cries of cranes, all thought it was Jin's army will come, day and night can not stop, Huangbuzelu, camped, Dong E Cross, the death of ten, seven or eight people.
had , Former Qin's army retreated slightly, Zhu Xu in the battle array of the back aloud shouting: to defect to the Eastern Jin Dynasty. collared by the former king Fu Jian traveling by car decorated with mica. and took it Shouyang, captured the Former Qin Guo compliment of Huainan Prefecture.

AD 383 during the Battle of August, Fu Jian led a 60 million soldiers, cavalry 27 million, Habayashi Lang (Guards) 3 million, a absolute of 90 million troops from the south of Chang'an, the same time, another life Zitong Prefecture Fu Jian Pei Yuan rate slightly from the Ba and Shu Shun Navy 70000 Flow East, to the construction of Kang Jinjun. nearly a million march group, Jiang, foot off the flow. stone for the crusade viceroy, nephew of Xie Xie Xuan because Pioneer, led after 7 years of training, a lusty fighting army, fighting for the Eastern Jin Dynasty, the main force of the strongest) 80000 west according the Huai River, and busy the main Qin. to send military forces led by Hu Bin 5 thousand reinforcements strategically Shouyang (now Shou County, Anhui). also appointed Huanchong Jiang prefectural governor, the rate of 10 million Jin control the Yangtze River, the next stop Jiangdong Qinba Shun Shu Army.
Battle of the map
10 18, Fu Jian, Fu Rong rate of the younger brother of striker forces captured the Qin Shouyang (now Shou), captured Morimasa Jin Xu Yuanxi. At the same time, Yun Qin Mu Rongchui Division captured the city (now Hubei Yun County.) marine was ordered to rush to the rescue rate Shouyang half way Hu Bin Fu Rong Shouyang that has been compromised, we retreated to Kip Stone (now Anhui Fengtai Southwest), waiting and Xie Shi, Xuan decided to join the army. Fu Shek Kip fiscal and led his army to attack. Fu Liang shuaibing Ministry of Finance 5 million attacking Luo Jian (in this Huainan East), cut the Huaihe River traffic, blocking the escape route Hu Bin. Hu Bin barricaded Kip Stone, forage depletion, difficult to aid, write to thank Stone emergency, but the messenger is Jinbing Chi catch, this letter falls Fu financial hands. Fu Rong Fu Jian reported immediately to Jinjun Bing less forage shortage, it is recommended the rapid raise an army to prevent the escape Jin. Fu Jian was reported that the army leave In the Key City, led a cavalry Jiqu Shouyang 8 thousand.
Shou Fu Jian one to immediately send the incipient order to the Eastern Jin Zhu Xiangyang defender Camp to capitulate. Zhu Jin order to camp, not only did not capitulate, but to provide the Qin Shi Xie situation. He said: Army did not arrive in time for all, speedily launched an aggressive force at a time the beat of its forward, down the your spirit, you can break the Qin army of millions. . After listening to the words of Zhu order that makes sense, they changed the operational policy, determined to switch to defensive to the offensive, take the initiative.
11 months, Xie Xuan Liu dispatching heroic general rate of incarceration thousands of crack troops aggression 5 Luo Jian, opened Feishui preliminary to war. Qin Liang led his troops on 5 million in Los Jianbian engaged the series. Liu incarceration divide our forces, after a detour to the Qin phalanx, breaking the return; own shuaibing force a Luoshui tempested the Qin series. Qin dread, scarcely resist a while to fall individually, Lord Yun Liang Liang and his brother died, the commanders and men rushed to flee through the Huaihe River, 1.5 million people were killed. Luo Jian victory greatly boosted the spirit of Jin .
the West Bank since the Qin court reception Feishui lineup, Jin can not cross the river, only confrontation between the distant coast. Xie Xuan Fu to send messengers to finance, with attempting to rally to him: The array is set to force the water, which was the plan for sustainable, non-haste makes garbage war among them. If a small array was moved so that Jinbing be intersection, the showdown, do not have good or Down? But Fu Jian that you can calculate on the measure, so the army slightly back, cross the river to be semi-Jin, and then rush ahead with the cavalry, so that you can win. Fu Rong Fu Jian's plan on the chart
Battle of < br> show favor, so he agreed to the apply of Xie Xuan, command Qin retreat. But Qin Bingshi gas is low, the result of a retreat out of control, battle chaos. Xie Xuan led the 8 thousand cavalry, taking advantage of the Fei River Water Crossing to Qin onslaught. Zhu Qin array in order, after shouting: to stop an offer to hold our ground, only to be marauders wrecking horses were killed by Jin from behind. Lord of the Chi lost scale up chaotic, completely collapsed. striker's defeat, causing panic follow-up elements, also will be flight, line into a shackle repercussion, the results of the whole army fled northward retreat. Qin Kuibing not stop along the course, I heard the paranoia, all thought to be chasing Jin. Jin win the Shouyang has approached approach glauca. Chi men death period step, fill the fields, fraught river. Fu Jian himself was wounded in the arrows, fled to Luoyang when more than 10 million remaining.
Shou Jin retrieved, Xie Shi and Xie Xuan sent to our health report a success Pegasus . when Xie was playing chess at home with the guests. He peruse a thank stone sent Herald, unemotional, conveniently placed next to the Herald, still playing chess. the visitors know before sent the war report, could not help but ask Xie : Chess, like up to the good news to narrate others to leave to go. Xie away the guests, to go back to the internal compartment, and his excitement no longer include himself, across the threshold in time, stumbling, and feet clogs on the broken teeth are touching. This is the prominent article sound of birds to grab up as the enemy erratic clamor, plants and trees also see into the enemy's army, which shows when the shock defeat to escape to what amplitude the fear!
this clause comes from Eastern Jin Dynasty, Jin Dynasty strong Qin always wanted annexation, Fu Jian, king personally led eight hundred thousand troops, to attack Jin. Jin Xie Shi sent general, Xie Xuan brought against eighty soldiers and horses. Fu Jian, of way, very haughty, did not to look unequal in the eyes of Jin.
However, revised to the vanguard of the striker with the first battle will be defeated Jin, Fu Jian, panic. he and his brother went to the front, Fu Rong Chen Ye inspection, he saw Jin lineup to the rigorous, high morale, even the presence of the eight public Jin mountain vegetation, but also Yingyingchaochao soldiers fill the fields like it! Then, in Feishui battle, Qin army was completely defeated and losses, Qin Fu Jian his injury , Fu Rong also killed the brother. Fu Jian fled in panic, he heard the sound of the wind as birds thought it was the enemy from behind again to. descendants according to this historical fact, create a > Investment whip stop
Eastern Jin Dynasty, Fu Jian, Former Qin after the reunification of the north, north-south confrontation with the South Eastern Jin Dynasty, antagonist. Fu Jian cavalry For further south to the million, in an fell pounce eliminated, the Eastern Jin Dynasty. Fu Jian set of ministers to talk the ministers do not take admit. Prince Minister Shi-kai, the extra left-back said: arms, for soon for its interior alterations, the opportunity to attack the. hazard of the Yangtze River, the bring ... to an endevitably in death. I immediately have nearly a million troops, more troops will be wide, mass, investment and whip in the creek, enough to wreck the flow. ye fear normal barrier? , lead a compel, the water doors of Fei River, from west to eastern, lined up quite long. Eastern sent common Xie Xuan, Xie Shi eighty thousand crack troops led against the antagonist. light of Fu Jian, Ji Gong depend more soldiers, then along Jin recalcitrant , Feishui a battle, went at present as the Eastern Jin Dynasty was defeated, reduced since then.
originally referred to all the whip into the river, will cut off the flow. Yu troops after the numerous powerful forces, usually accustomed words.
August 383 AD, Fu Jian, personally led eight hundred and seventy thousand troops from Chang'an. south of the road, cloud billowing, infantry, cavalry, together with vehicles, horses, provisions, contingent robust, nearly pulled one thousand years long. After a month, Fu Jian, the main arrival Xiangcheng (in this Henan Shen Qiu Nan), Yizhou Army along the river water downstream east, the Yellow River north to the men also went to Pengcheng (modern Xuzhou City, Jiangsu Province ), from east to west more than ten thousand mile long front, the Former Qin both sea and march to the south reach. The news scatter to our health, Jinxiao Wu Di and the chief of the civilian and military officials with a panic. Jin Zhaojun China do not want to fall in the Former Qin South hands, we all look forward to the maximal minister Xie make a determination. Yang Xia Xie Xie is (today Tai) who was connate gentry, a young man, with Wang are good friends, constantly in Hueiji Dongshan voyage outlooks, verse and talk about the txt. His renown was magnificent in the literati class, we all think he is a very talented person. but he would choose to live in privacy in the isle, do not want an official. He was selected lawful, he took more than a month, do not want to do the. was circulating amid the literati word: Because the long-term retreat in the Higashiyama Xie, so his back was such a thing out of an official called the large, peremptory, do not listen to prevent, insisting on war recklessly; internal instability, assorted outlooks down the preoccupied disarray, general consciousness of insecurity; front too long, radiated forces, abandon strengths for short, the lack of coordination; Beginning of frustration, that is lost confidence; and I do not know military, casual retreat, muss, give our enemies the opportunity; series of Zhu and others are not conscious of espionage, let rivals to main one's own situation, so that has passivity.
Eastern military victory, amounted up the main factor is: unruffled, calm ought the enemy; monarch and his subjects live, soldiers Yongming; Lord has energy, commanding; was the enemy of the real, Zhibi confidant; his soldiers scouring, North Fu Bing pit one against ten; comprehending right place, the military has long played; initial battle to defeat the enemy, down the front soldiers, Reed has morale; to MI enemy, the self-induced chaos, and then Chengxi surprise attack; resolutely implement the tactics pursued to construct on.
war Gaixia
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Gaixia Elegy
> Han Gotti five years (202 BC) in December, the war in the Chu and Han, Chu and Han armies Gaixia (now powered the north bank of the southeast of Anhui Lingbi) carried out a strategic battle.
Gaixia Elegy < br> Chinese and four in August, and Han Zhi Yu Guangzhou on the budgets do Chu Wu; and Liu also failed to accommodate to Han Xin, Peng Yue, who the army, not the final encirclement of Chu. Thus, the two sides were the history of the famous circular path to the tomb of Chu direction to withdraw. Liu also wants to return to the West.
However, while Liu Bang, the West intends to return when his troops, Zhang Liang and Chen Ping has recommended tearing up the gap, and intended, meantime the return of the East Division labor Chu machine from back by surprise. Zhang and Chen said: machine and Suiqu the Peng Yuenan, general circle Chu.
five annuals in October, the cardinal legion of Liu Bang led a chase to the solid-Ling Chu million (today Tai). But this time, Han, Peng Liu with 2 no crews . Xiang Yu was furious afterward namely, here in the a.m. to launch a sudden counterattack, almost 2 million folk beheaded Han, Han knock another. Liu Chen hurried his troops behind into the afterward, and no mallet built tower, and Chu Liu Bang once again encircled.
stick barriers to Zhang Liang Liu asked: it does not to Guyi. kings and common world can be, this can occasion can stand. that is not, someone unknown too. kings to the east from Chen Fu Hai, attempt and Han; Suiyang north to Gucheng to and Peng Yue: to make their own the war, the Chu Yi loser. Liu return in sealed land, and finally move the Han, Peng two, so that they give all led his army south, also ordered his troops Liu Jia Huai in the United camp cloth from the north, Rd army was launching the final encirclement of Xiang Yu. Gaixia followed the war began.
Qi Qi Wang Hanxin lead a force from the south, and today the occupation Jiangsu Pengcheng Chu, northern Anhui, east Henan and other massive areas, soldiers pointing Chu Feng dorsal, from east to West attack Xiang Yu;
King of Liang Peng Yue tens of thousands marched off from the ridge, first south, after the west, the military mutual force headquarters in Chu Liu back;
tens of thousands of Chinese marched together with the nine Liu Jia Jiang Wangying fabric, starting from the Huaibei, from the southwest to launch the onset above the Chu, the premier g Shouchun, then the father took over the city and always naval and civil slaughter in this city to do;
while guarding the South line of the Division Mazhou Yan Chu was in the large Chu riot at this time, the first six counties off carcasses, and then with the English cloth, Liu Jia joined forces, and then north punch Xiang Yu;
the same time, the soldiers get off in the rate of Liu Bang to add more than two hundred thousand 出 military headquarters solid Mausoleum east;
Rd Han army, totaling nearly 7 million of the public, formed from the west, north, southwest and northeast sides tendency to surround Chu, Xiang Yu was forced to Gaixia rate of retreat of thousands of Chu.
Han five years in December, Liu Bang, Han Xin, Liu Jia, Peng Yue, English cloth army in Gaixia Rd (now Lingbi Southern Anhui, Henan, one that today Huaiyang, Luyi companies) basically completed a 10 million Chu's encirclement. Liu immediately appointed Han Xin as a coalition commander, command and army operations. Han Xin Jia Liu life, the English cloth army from the south will be closed all the way appearance the Chu and ordered closure of access from the north Pengyue Jun, Han Xin led a three hundred thousand in the main from the army Liu million synthetic an army headquarters, to the hundreds of thousands of Chu Gaixia holed attack, launch a determined battle!
circumstances,full of pleasure with ... ..., Chu total disadvantage:
one in the Yangtze River to the north of Western Chu the fall of all the land had been, for the absolute alone hundreds of thousands of Chujun Cheng;
Second, Chu food absences have been a few months, soldiers hunger, not the slightest military supplies;
three soldiers, about fifty United Han million or more, and full of energy, sufficient food, morale, and Xiang Yu alone hundreds of thousands, perennial Jiuzhan exhausted, when the battle is a big winter in December, but Chu Jungang pulled from the front to Guangwu without afford, mostly clothed in summer and autumn of equipment, cold famine, the morale of collapsibility;
Fourth, there is mandate in advance Rd Han points, the first accounted for Chu soil, further encirclement, by every tread, complete the encirclement, Chu's difficult to launch a sudden counterattack;
V. Chu Gogun far from the Koto, even break through the encirclement, it is difficult in the timely return to Han's pursuance of one's own territory, can be said to Under such a situation, Liu Bang, Han Xin in the main 3 hundred thousand troops together one army headquarters to the panel from the nothingness of thousands Chu Gaixia launched a final attack!
Han will unload the main force of such a matrix Shape: Hanshin lead a middle three hundred thousand troops, as the main striker; General hee marched tens of thousands of holes left in the Hanxin Jun; CHEN He led his army of tens of thousands right in the Hanxin Jun; Liu Bang, the main tracking Hanxin Jun follow-up rate of this Part, General Bo Zhou led his army up the rear.
and Xiang Yu, the For Chu, the new situation that can not protect, can not retreat.
back mow off, no edible and keep, is tantamount to nobody and dead, dead! < br> In this way, the battle started by:
First of all, Han first to rate this Part, the Chu army launched provocative attacks. Xiang Yu Chu immediately launched thousands of the central rate of breakthrough operations, headquarters directed direct system of Han Xin. Xiang Yu personally led his army to attack , assault in the former, Chu to the former cavalry, infantry in the post with its dictate. Han vow, Han immediately ordered troops retreat to the cover of three hundred thousand troops for the screen, and Liu Bang of the headquarters command troops retreated back. Han and the battle and retreat, Chu will continue the mania of desperate assault, Xiang Yu himself more of a lead. Along the way, Han, such as cloud wafers generally, ahead of peek, full of the corpses. Xiang Yu rate of thousands of soldiers pursuit onslaught, until I kill the Han.
the other hand, when the array for the shade, ahead Han Xin Liu Bangjun retracement of the recede in the meantime cover the cavity Xi, Chen He is about the rate of either sides of the two armed forces also carried out from the Chu the roundabout plan, flanking Chu menace.
After half a daytime Sisha, Xiang Yu did not break front Han, Han has forever been backward retreat, has not seemed in front of Xiang Yu. and Xiang Yu is also maniacal aggression, but was pulled distance before and after the army opened. Chu formation more casual, becomes longer, has gradually lost a close mate between the formation and another.
fight to the p.m., a elderly army passed on in the Han , radical detour around the two armies finally completed the trend before and after the attack. Han emulated about the military into the rear of the wing on Chu's offensive to pressure both sides to close the formation, the quick encirclement of the left behind Chu infantry. Chu soldiers desperate resistance, military officers and soldiers fighting twisted together, immediately plunged into a state of war, the Chu army infantry, cavalry, a two and a half, Chu was migrated along the offensive system. XiangYu last resort, had rates of return in triumph remaining cavalry away, liberate infantry.
completed roundabout was told about the military and launched the attack on the Chu Fang Bubing after the time when Han was immediately counter-attack, and Liu Bang, and left all the main inputs in military backlash. < br> Han Yu and Chu to come ahead cavalry counterattack. tens of thousands of Han Chu troops launched the attack around. Xiang Yu Xianshibumiao rate army in the opposite intention immediately break off of the ruddy open approximately the military encircle of Han , returned to camp. this war, Chu killed 4 thousand, captured twenty thousand, twenty thousand were broken up, remaining less than twenty thousand wounded soldiers returning array with Xiang Yu.
Subsequently, Han Xin led the army Shoulong Chu had been broken up all the oppression on the troops, entirely surrounded Chu Camp. here also wiped out the twenty thousand Yu Chujun being broken up, the king did not give items Shoulong struggle opportunities. Gaixia to this battle is over. < br> Man:
term contract after the king, to bring the team Babing East belongs.
HW would favor to retreat its troops never to return, Zhang Liang and Chen Ping exhorted him, said: part of it, they have taken over the Han nobility. and Chu had been exhausted soldiers to make cake, which is God when death Chu. had better take the opportunity to demolish it. whether we let go of Xiang Yu and not hit him, this is cried l raise tiger to give myself the scourge of r. date appointment Hou Peng Yue joined together to attack the Chu army. solid Han Ling arrived, and Han Xin, Peng Yue did not come to add forces. Chu attacking Han, the Han defeat. Hanwang and escaped back to camp, dig deep trench stick. Hanwang Q Zhang said: to be very natural. chief and if they divided the earth to grant them to come now. If not, anticipate a tough situation. King County, whether from the east to the coastal place of ​​Chen gave the local Han, the Sui Yang Gucheng north to the place for Peng Yue; in which their fight for themselves, Chu easy to beat. Chu HW hit with force, after defeating Chu, east to the waterfront from Chen areas approximately the shire to the King of Qi, Sui Yang Gucheng place among the north of the nation compared to Pang. County, killing 6 troops, launched Jiujiang troops, along with Liu Jia, Peng Yue joined forces with the Gaixia, pedaled a key chief.
items Gaixia king's forces built a camp, Bing Shao food to make, Bing Han, and the princes he was surrounded by several layers. late at night, hear the Han in the four singing the songs of Chu, Xiang Wang was shocked and said: King Xiang night together, drinking in the tent. There were peril beauty, has been preferred with the king in the near term; a mottled horse name (zhuī, chase), Xiang Wang has been riding. this time, the item can not help but Kangkaibeige Wang, singing their own poetry: Yeah it properly? Then the king rode items, more than eight hundred men riding knight followed, by night to break the siege, out south, speeding and flee. dawn of time, Han was found, leadership the five thousand ordered Jiqiangguanying cavalry to catch up. Xiang Wang through the Huaihe River, the men can keep up with the only knight more than a hundred. Xiang Yin Ling Wang arrived, lost, ask a farmer, the planter told him, said: . Han cavalry catch up there are thousands of people. item can not escape the king's own estimates, his cavalry, said: was broken, I surrender all enemy attacks, have never been beaten, so it can prevail, it has the world. But now finally been trapped here, this is heaven to die I am by no method the fault of operations. This have to be insistent to fight dead, I would very much love to all of you make a battle, we have to win it three times, to break through the tight encirclement of you, Han will be beheaded, cut down the flag, so of you know thatGod is absolutely to die I, by no means the fault of operations . driving the horses galloping down, agreed to the east of the mountain rinsed, divided into three sets. Then the king key loud call rushed down, as Han defeat like grass with the wind lodging, and entrance of a Chinese military to kill the king. At this time, as the red spring Hou Han Ji Qiang Yang HI, King items at the back to catch up, eyes broad open Hechi King Xiang He, Hou Quan Chi carrying the man and horse were afraid, back several years. Xiang Wang and his cavalry In the three encounter. Han Wang did not know the whereabouts of items, put the forces into three road, surrounded once again come up. Xiang Wang rode rushed up, and cut of a Han Du Wei, killing one hundred eighty people collect cavalry, equitable lost two people. items cavalry Road King asked: Wang wants to east through the Wujiang River. Wujiang Ting Zhang is stopping beside other, where the king of the items, said: King quickly want to cross the river. now only I have a canoe to the Han and could not go through. thousand people cross the river expedition, and now no one came back, even now villagers again I asked my brother to be king love and admiration, I had no face to meet them? even now they do not say anything, I Xiang Ji Do they have no disgrace you? So for Ting Zhang said: ; command the cavalry were dismounted on foot, armed with short weapons and pursuing soldiers at war. light items Han nationality of a person to kill hundreds of people. Xiang Wang who also has a dozen wounded. Xiang Han looked back and saw the king riding a Division Ma Lvma babies, said : I heard Hanwang gold jin, fief million award to seek my head, I'll give you the benefit of it! competition for entry trampling the body of the king, as the competition between the dozens of people were killed. Finally, the physician Ji Qiang Yang Xi, riding Secretary Ma Lvma kid, doctor Sheng Lu, Yang Wu a limb of the win. five to put together a chip of the body, just all right. So. the land is divided into five Xiang Yu; closure Lvma Hou Tong as water, screen for the Tu Yen winner Hou, Feng Hou Yang-hi as the red spring, anti-Hou Feng Yang Wu for Wu, Lu Sheng-Feng as Nirvana (nie, Nie) Yanghou.
item king is dead, all surrendered HW Chu, Lu County, not only concession. Hanwang led troops absence to slaughter the world of the city of Lu, merely taking into list They adhere to justice, to remarry at a dead monarch, the king's brain to clutch items for people to penetrate Lu, Lu This concession to the elders. At first, the grandson of the enterprise closed for Lu Xiang Ji, and so his death, Lu and the final to concession, so,shanghai escort, according to Lu public ceremony of this title King of the items buried in Gokseong.
Battle of Guilin Guilin

1944 movement in the summer, the Japanese shove into southern Hunan, in Hengyang will proceed after the war intruded Guangxi. Guangxi xi Japanese military in the planning, the mentor of the Guilin also attended the appointment. The meeting decided: to be under the jurisdiction of the XVI Army XXXI, Guilin Forty-six armies to garrison troops; to sixteen Army Song Yun Wei, agent commander of Guilin city barricade commander; increase to the municipal administration of Guilin , the police remain in the city to help defenders, leaving every household with young males at family seeing one attribute, other unions and teams all the people evacuated, leaving the Guilin City, so as not to make needless sacrifices. will be ordered after the establishment of Wei Yun Sung to Guilin City Defense Command , Guilin garrison planning issues and organize XXXI, Forty-six to Guilin to build two military garrison fortifications. Wei Yun Sung received a million alternatively city barricade fortifications fees, only fees constitute a very small number of works, field works, most of city ​​defense fortifications fees into his pockets.
xi when the Japanese military tense period of Hunan, Guangxi, from Chongqing to return. He believes that the fourth war district decided by the Department of Executive and thirty one, two military garrison Forty-six Guilin operational plan is not appropriate, and change the battle plan: from thirty-one out of one hundred thirty-one Army Division, Forty-six out of one hundred and seventy military Seventy-nine Army Division assigned an firearms regiment and a fifth six groups Guilin for the garrison troops for several howitzer units will be Forty-six Army military and one hundred seventy-five Division (Division Commander as the city is willing to Wei Xia's nephew), fashionable instructors and thirty-nineteenth deputy commander of an army, and Whoever hath Feng Huang Division (Division Commander Yan Wu is his loyal pawns recluse), one hundred eighty-eight Division (Commander sea is strong rivalry xi nephew) transferred out of Guilin. but one hundred thirty-one Division (Commander Kan Yong-dimensional) in the worst fighting, and seventeen Zero Division (Commander Xugao Yang) and Department of recruits after the convey all the departments. plan to change, the defenders that the same officers and men have their funeral in Guilin, angry; so morale of the troops morale, low morale, penalty breakdowns, the growing exile. Pai Chung-hsi Liu Qing and ordered gathering district recruits teachers to join Guilin defenders force to complement the untrained soldiers fighting immediately. He ordered the defenders period of three months, three months of food Tuen set bombs, but actually set the Tuen less than a month of playing with food. and when the period of military tension in northern Guangxi, he went back to Chongqing.
Zhang Fakui the fourth commander of the cinema on the xi bent on changing his maneuvers, deep dissatisfaction, which the garrison of Guilin issues likewise corner a blind do not query.
after the fall of Hengyang, Zhang Fakui that ninety armed forces command to build fortifications in the Yellow River to discourage the enemy south, Guilin evacuation and sheltering operations for .9 on the enemy to the Yellow River into the ninety Armed Forces Commander Chen Mu farmers give up the Yellow River retreated thawing River, Guilin soured. Chen, beast husbandry and farming to published an emergency evacuation order, all government agencies and organizations have to seize the means of transport. the public have no means of transport who lost property, carrying men hold women to the south to flee. Guilin is once disorder, moped. the result of agricultural, animal husbandry, Chen was shot.
originally planned to linger in Guilin city, the city police in the city to preserve order and aid the garrison actions, one young men to stay at home household garrison personal property. Who knows emergency Guilin evacuation, Guilin Mayor Su Xinmin, the police chief Xie Fengnian (they are white cronies) xi request to evacuate from the city, White also ratified for an affair. Thus the city government, police stations, leaving families young men In light of the evacuation when they ran, except the garrison city of Guilin, and no other organ retention. Morishiro men, loose discipline, the fancy of ​​everyone playing everybody. If city defense commander Wei Yun Sung, commander He Weizhen, teachers Yong Kan-dimensional, lofty expectations .. .

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