Wednesday, April 27, 2011

people head primarily at lipids

Pregnant mama is the sole source of nutrition for the fetus, so the nutritional status of pregnant women during pregnancy and fetal brain development of the baby are inextricably correlated. Bulletin boards good nutrition during pregnancy, baby nativity with brain weight up to 370 grams hardly ever. Therefore, You must take during pregnancy a good time, pay attention to the unborn baby brain development in fetal nutrition.
grasp the tire and the baby's brain development nutrition and brain development during the Brain three stages:
Phase 1: the proliferation period, that is,toronto asian escort, 3-6 months of pregnancy to the number of neurons and volume growth as the cardinal feature, by this stage the volume of brain cells and nerve fiber growth, production the baby's brain baby weight increase.
Phase 2: proliferation and fattening stages, ie 7-9 months of pregnancy, cell number and volume size in mm increase in dendrites of nerve cells at this stage to increase and the formation of synapses (the structure significance is to ensure that a nerve cell excitability ahead the impulse can be passed smoothly, after a nerve cell), which is human comprehension, far more than the number of nerve cells is more momentous.
Phase 3: fattening stage , after the birth of the first 3 months to 6 months, no increase in cell number, while the volume continues to gain weight, increase mm which means that the increase in quality.
Therefore, cortical framework, extra than 5 months of pregnancy , he had already fashioned, meantime the end of 6 months of pregnancy, the brain's memory functions are starting to emerge.
human brain effectively by lipids, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin E, calcium nutritional composition 7. Based on this foundation, the emulating 7 baby nourishment Raiders fetal brain development is the opener to security:
1. pay consideration to the quality and amount mm staple baby fetal brain development brain power stations can
The energy reserves are quite limited. Glucose is the only way to provide energy for the brain of nutrients and carbohydrates are the main suppliers of glucose, accordingly, including cereals, including species-rich staple food (a cloud of rice, noodles, corn, etc.) and the right amount of beans, potatoes, fruits, etc. Bulletin boards of the diet should be 60% or more of proportion. but at the same time limited the sugar, rock sugar, brown sugar, glucose powder and a uncomplicated sugar content food or drink.
2. SCIENCES mm protein supplement based on fetal brain development, baby physical
fetal brain development in baby's need for 35% of the protein to maintain and develop the brain function, enhance the understanding of the brain and thinking aptitude of . protein supplement to supply adequate calories and carbohydrates premise. If the amount of staple food or peppery
inadequate intake, a significant amplify in the intake of tall protein food, and even increase accessory protein powder, then Most of the protein not only can not be successfully cached and transported to the fetal baby, it ambition be the body to flame Bulletin boards to supply the vigor necessitated as go and life; the same period, the decomposition of great quantities of uric acid metabolism of urea will addition the burden aboard the kidney. < br> This shows namely Mommy. the weight of 55-60 kg, Bulletin boards in the light manual fatigue, case in point, have to be certified in the daytime, the staple food of about 6 below the premise of the 2, the total intake of 500 ml of milk and yogurt, 1 egg, 3 Two lean meat (cattle, fowl and fish turn optional) and gentle amounts of soy productions wealthy in fruits and vegetables.
particular need to raise is Bulletin boards to ensure that animal food intake as much as likely, for both amino acids form or biological utilization of animal protein are many higher than plant protein, is the brain child baby an important guarantee for healthy development.
3. emphasis on essential fatty acids mm tire baby smart extraordinary mystery arms
fat accounted for brain weight 50% -60%, high enough in fat, especially lecithin and polyunsaturated fatty acids, for the improvement of brain cells and nerve myelin formation is significant. camellia oil, corn fuel, olive oil, soybean oil, flax seed oil, sesame oil, vegetable oil, soy, nuts (walnuts, almonds, etc.), as well as deep-sea fish and shrimp are always good fats, especially unattached, multi-good source of unsaturated fatty acids is to help child baby intelligent extraordinary secret weapon .
4. strengthen the B vitamins mm folic acid to prevent neural tube defects of the enabling measures
B vitamins, to retain the customary function of the nervous system, and promote intellectual activities to prevent multiple neuritis. especially the pre-pregnancy 1 months until the first trimester, the everyday intake of 400ug folic acid to reinforce the hindrance of neural tube failings in baby favorable amounts. cereals, liver, meat, beans, dark vegetables are agreeable sources of B vitamins.
5 . appropriate to add DHA and choline mm optimize and promote rapid development of fetal brain cells
baby during pregnancy DHA and choline levels in the body drip dramatically.
DHA is a indeed happening polyunsaturated fatty acids, to optimize fetal Baby brain film phospholipid makeup cone, and the fetal brain and retina of the baby's growth and maturation of nerve compartments has a straight relationship. Although the Bulletin boards can be ingested to plant sources of linolenic acid into DHA, but recent studies and clinical observations, human ingestion of only 3% of linolenic sour can be converted to DHA. Therefore, the DHA instantly from animal food appendix Bulletin boards should be the best direction.
sea fish, primarily deep-sea fish portly is the highest DHA content, including tuna, salmon, small yellow croaker, fish, bread, mackerel, grouper, sea bass, herring, eel, sea bream, shrimp, etc.; increase, blackfish, tilapia in content is higher. Bulletin boards recommended to eat 3-4 times a week fish and shrimp, including a fish,announced that it ambition give a couple of immense pandas to the Taiwan people, to ensure the supply of fetal DHA baby.
terrestrial factories and beasts with minimal quantity of DHA, it namely recommended not to dine fish Bulletin boards shrimp, you can use normal brand of nutritional supplements including DHA to aid brain development fetal infant, and should eat breast, soy breast, eggs, fish,toronto escort, tofu and additional protein-rich food to take to help its digestion .
Choline is an important nutrient, with enhanced memories function, the amount synthesized in the body is laborious to meet the absences of Bulletin boards. Therefore, increasing the dietary amount of animal liver, eggs, red beef, dairy, soy , peanuts, citrus, potatoes and other food intake, can help improve the body's choline Bulletin boards level of keeps in array to subserve rapid development of baby's brain cells.
6. Do not bypass the uptake of zinc deficiency causes mm brain development of irreversible damage occurs as the body's essential track elements
1 form of zinc is essential for nucleic acid and protein nutrients, is likewise the maximum in the brain content of a metal ion, with memory, sensation and language-related Ministry of the brim of the cerebral cortex in the higher concentration of the hippocampus, can defend the brain enzyme systems. Zinc absence reasons irreversible brain mar growth occurs, in order to get adequate zinc fetal baby, Bulletin boards need to increase the high-zinc foods (such for : oysters, sea fish, nuts, animal meat and liver, etc.) intake.
7. Do not ignore the iodine intake mm fetal nervous system and brain development in baby's need for raw materials
iodine thyroid hormone the body generates the main raw stuff, but also the nervous system and fetal brain development in baby's need for raw materials. commercially accessible salt is generally added iodine, salt Bulletin boards need to understand the correct way: Whether fried fried stew, should be before or pan fried dishes After salt, so as to shirk lengthened heating caused the wastage of iodine in salt. In addition, the diet rich in iodine should be additional to foods such as kelp, seaweed, fish, sea cabbage, etc. will help to add extra baby Mommy and fetal iodine. Of particular memorandum is the iodine excess iodine in pregnant women probable to cause disease, non-iodized salt per day more than 6 grams, the diet has to be appropriate to add.

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