Thursday, May 5, 2011

the maximum caustic normal disasters

China's extensive state, the complexity of natural climatic conditions, plant variety, rich in forest resources, forest type variety, with a explicit zonal distribution. Forest types from north to south were coniferous forest, mixed coniferous and deciduous broad-leaved forest evergreen broad-leaved forest, monsoon forest and rainforest. According to the Sixth National Forest Resource Inventory (1999-2003) results, the national forest area 174,909,200 hectares, compared with the fifth national forest catalogue (1994-1998) to increase 15,968,300 hectares; forest coverage 18.2%, compared with the fifth national forest resource catalogue increased by 1.7 percentage points; total standing stock 13.618 billion cubic meters, 12.456 billion cubic meters of forest growing stock. The per capita forest area is 0.132 ha per capita forest stock 9.421 cubic meters. the average annual web growth of forest is 497 million cubic meters of annual logging of 365 million cubic meters.
pests and diseases in an area of ​​11,412,000 hectares, of which 8.462 million hectares area of ​​insect pests, disease, an area of ​​1,151,000 hectares, rat ( hare) damage area of ​​1,508,000 hectares, an area of ​​291,000 hectares of harmful plants. National Forest area of ​​7,611,000 hectares pest control for the accident of an area of ​​66.7%, of which 6.111 million hectares pollution prevention and control forest pests disaster .2008 rate of 1.6 p; pollution hindrance and control rate of 80.3%; seed rate of 94.0% and quarantine; forecast precision of 85.0%.
forest blaze from a total of 14,144 forest fires (including: forest fire 8,458, the general fire 5,673, the major fire 13 along), the total area of ​​184,495 hectares of fire affected forest area of ​​52,539.1 hectares, 174 casualties (dead 97 people and injuring 77 people), the digit of forest fires over the same phase the previous three-year average mushroom of 46.5%, affected forest area decreased 69.2%, year No huge forest fire.
measures and actions to promote
【comprehensive reform of collective forest right system】 June 8, 2008, Opinions .
reform of collective forest right system's overall goal namely to aspects of policy: First, improving the management of forest cutting machinery, the second namely to regulate forest land, forest turnover, three namely to establish public support as collective forestry development finance system, the four forestry investment and financing reform is to enhance the five is to strengthen the forestry community service. < br> 【】 key forestry projects in 2008, the completion of key forestry area of ​​3,438,500 hectares afforestation, an increase of 28.2%, accounting for 64.2% of the total afforestation area. Among them, 1.886 million ha afforestation, aerial sowing and 146,700 ha No new forest and woodland to closed forest 1,405,800 ha.
natural forest protection project completed construction of 1.009 million hectares of the forests, of which: 191,600 ha of artificial forest, aerial seeding 66,700 ha, no new forest and open woodland Closing 750,600 ha. and management for an area of ​​103,642,000 hectares.
Grain for Green Project afforested area 1,307,300 hectares (including Beijing and Tianjin sandstorm source control projects in the 117,000 ha), of which 12,000 hectares farmland to forest, supporting forest 939,800 hectares of barren hills and wasteland, woodland and open forest land without closing off 355,600 hectares of new.
the completion of Beijing and Tianjin sandstorm source control area of ​​469,000 ha forest, of which 198,100 hectares of artificial afforestation, aerial seeding 66,700 ha, no Closure of woodland and open forest land 204,200 hectares of new. Grassland area of ​​180,700 hectares of small river valley area of ​​92,700 hectares, governance, to 742,400 hectares the total area. mansion water conservancy facilities 17,300, the number reached 1.03 million ecological migrants, comprised in 3179.
and the Yangtze River Three North Shelterbelt Development such as afforestation area of ​​766,200 hectares, of which 628,600 hectares of pretended afforestation, aerial seeding 13,300 ha, no fashionable forest and woodland to closed forest 124,200 ha; other too completed the transformation of low-yield inefficient area of ​​23,100 hectares shelter.
base construction in opener areas the achievement of quick growing timber plantation area of ​​5294 hectares of quickly growing lumber,beijing escort, of which an area of ​​3975 hectares of sterile mounds and wilderness afforestation, reforestation area of ​​1319 hectares; dissimilar civilization change area of ​​41,800 hectares.
comprehensive manipulation project in 2008, desertification, karst rocky desertification area flat implementation of Comprehensive Plan, the central investment of 400 million yuan in the forest management project management tasks 26,100 ha, accounting for the mission assigned by the State Plan 26%. Among them, the task of closing off 18,200 hectares, accounting for the task assigned by the State Closure plans for 25%; tasks 07,900 ha plantation, afforestation program in the state task assigned 29%.
national grassland prairie
status 400 million hectares, accounting for 41.7% of land area. Tibet, Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang, Qinghai, Sichuan, Gansu, Ningxia, Shaanxi, Guizhou, Yunnan, Guangxi, Chongqing and other twelve provinces (municipalities and autonomous regions) of about 330 million ha grassland area , accounting for 84.4% of grassland area; Liaoning, Jilin and Heilongjiang provinces grassland area of ​​about 017 million hectares, accounting for 4.3%; other provinces 045 million hectares, accounting for 11.3%.
grassland productivity in 2008, the overall growth of the national grassland vegetation close to the position with the previous year. fresh, natural grassland total 947,155,000 tons, equivalent to about 296,268,000 tons of fodder,as our planet, to the previous year, carrying capacity of about 231.78 million sheep unit.
grassland disaster in 2008, the country 251 grassland fires occurred,beijing massage, the affected area of ​​9895.9 ha grassland, characterizing a reduce of 13.0%. steppe area of ​​36,guangzhou massage,758,000 hectares damage by rats, accounting for 9.4% of the total area of ​​grassland, down 5.6%. steppe area of ​​27,007,000 hectares opposition pests, accounting for 6.9% of the total area of ​​grassland, an increase of 53.6%.
the implementation of measures and actions
【】 grassland protection and construction of major projects in 2008, the state in Inner Mongolia, Sichuan, Gansu, Ningxia, Qinghai, Tibet, Xinjiang, Yunnan, Guizhou and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, the implementation of grassland restoration project,beijing massage, invest in 15 billion yuan to build 5.228 million ha grassland fence, carrying out desertification control 27,000 hectares of seriously degraded grassland reseeding 1.569 million hectares implementation. In Beijing, Inner Mongolia, Shanxi, Hebei, Beijing and Tianjin sandstorm source implementation of the Grassland project, invested 390 million yuan, 236,000 ha grassland management and building stalls for 1.21 million square meters, the configuration of forage processing machinery 25 540 sets.
through the implementation of the project, project area grassland vegetation coverage, altitude, and a substantial increase in fresh yield, improved grassland ecological environment, infrastructure construction has been strengthened, forcible changes grassland animal husbandry practices.
climate and natural disasters, weather conditions

2008, China cold winter weather is represented primarily, lukewarm spring, summer and wet. 1951 annual average temperature for the warmest since 7 years, 12 successive warm years, the average annual rainfall above customary, precipitation for the quondam 10 years, maximum of the annual However, a colossal step change. In general, the starting of 2008, the South underwent a infrequent chilly than snow and ice storms, primarily caustic losses, the National Drought affected zone is small, partial detriment of downpour and overrun light, light and heat conditions are generally conducive to the growth of crops development, climate year for preference than normal.
distribution of precipitation in 2008, China's average annual precipitation is 651.3 mm, 38.4 mm high side than normal for the past 10 years, most of the year precipitation. uneven spatial distribution of annual precipitation, and most areas south of the Yellow River in Asian North China, Northeast China in the southeastern chapter of usually 500 mm or more, compared with the year circular, northwest and northeast west, southwest of North China, Northeast north, south east of beneath normal rainfall in some areas, including parts of Xinjiang district, western Gansu and other places than normal 20% to 50% less than normal; Inner Mongolia, Qinghai, western, central Tibet, central and southern Guangxi, Guangdong and other locations south-west the lofty side of 20% to 50%, 50% above normal in some areas.
national delivery of anniversary precipitation (mm)
temperature distribution in mid-2008 the average temperature 9.6 ℃, higher than normal level, 0.7 ℃, since 1951 the 7th warmest year, is also the 12th consecutive year high. High temperatures in most areas of the country or close to year-round, in which north-central and eastern Inner Mongolia, Northeast China, Xinjiang and other places in northern and eastern high 1 ~ 2 ℃. In addition to lower than normal in Guangxi, Guangdong, Hainan, near normal, the other provinces (municipalities and autonomous regions) the average temperature than the normal level, where the average temperature of the history of Heilongjiang second maximum amount.
changes over the years the national annual average temperature (℃)

natural disasters in addition to the beginning of meteorological disasters in 2008 suffered a rare snow storm Southern disasters, has suffered serious losses, the National Drought affected area is small, rainstorm and flood losses lighter, climate preference than normal year for weather disasters .2008 direct economic loss of more than 3100 billion yuan, higher than that since 1991 the average level, where snow and ice disaster losses of 151 billion yuan, nearly total loss of meteorological disasters in 2008 to 50%; death tolls of more than 1,700 people, compared with nearly 10 years the average level was reduced. area of ​​affected crops from the National Statistics point of outlook, freezing and snow, drought is the main meteorological disasters in 2008, the total affected area of ​​the affected area were 39% and 30%; freezing and snow was significantly higher than in 2007.
mm low temperature and freezing and snow In 2008, due to freezing and the snow disaster caused a total crop area of ​​nearly 15 million hectares affected, more than 1590 billion yuan in direct economic losses, especially in Southern China in snow and ice disasters suffered its great economic loss, affected as many as 50 people the most years of similar disasters, but also a diversity of meteorological disasters in 2008 living first in the loss.
1 月 10 日 至 2 2 March, most particularly in the South China region appears four times, the process of snow and freezing weather, cooling amplitude, abnormal snowfall above normal, long period, affecting covering nearly 2 / 3 of the provinces (municipalities and autonomous regions), south of the country besides South, Northeast and central and southern Yunnan and other places appearance the freezing weather in most parts are there, to the transportation, power transmission, communications facilities, agricultural and serious impact on people's lives and losses of crops were affected area of ​​1100 million hectares, the affected population of 1 billion people, the direct economic losses of more than 1,500 billion yuan, and caused electricity to run unfortunate effects.
mm rainstorm and flood in 2008, early summer and the Xiangjiang River Basin upstream of solemn floods; summer, Yangtze River and Huaihe River valley heavy rainfall occurs, local ponderous rains; fall, the South emerged the most since 1951 muscular autumn, autumn floods occurred in some areas and landslides, debris flow and additional geological risks; September, heavy rains buffet the Sichuan earthquake and landslide, debris stream hit. Overall, in 2008 China has been no widespread severe storm floods, merely local rainstorm and flood disasters, flood disasters outstanding. misadventure, compared with nearly 10 years, economic losses of lighter rain floods, the necrosis toll less than normal.
mm arid 2008, the Northeast, North China and other places severe winter and Drought; Northwest , North China and other places a staged summer droughts. Generally speaking, China increase to intermittent droughts in some northern regions, local severe drought, the rest does no appear in most areas a wide scope of severe and persistent droughts, arid areas were also small , disaster lighter.
mm dust storms in spring 2008, the average dust days in northern China was 1.7 days earlier than normal (average 5.5 days) 3.8 days less than normal, since the spring of 1961 the number of dust at the second year of less only more than 2005 (1.4 days) over the same period. spring in northern China there were 9 dust weather process, the same period than normal (2000-2007 average of 13.8 times) was significantly less than normal: one 1 sandstorm, sandstorms 6 , 2 blowing process. spring compared with the previous year, the number was less than normal dust, the intensity is weaker.
mm tropical cyclone and lightning in 2008, 10 tropical cyclones (air approach the center g8 class) landing in China, more than usual 3. the time of landfall early, landing a high proportion of historical records are broken, and has a strong intensity landing (with 6 or more landing and reached typhoon strength), landing time to focus on, but the extent of small (mainly affecting the coastal provinces, quite few inland) and so on. leaving a total of 170 deaths (including missing persons), more than 320 billion yuan in direct economic losses, economic losses caused by light in the past 10 years the average level number of deaths is also less than the average of the past 10 years. Bureau of strong convective weather occurred frequently, Hubei, Gansu, Hebei, Hunan and other provinces hard-hit, leaving a total of 56 deaths, the number of casualties caused by lightning strikes over a year was significantly less than normal .
China earthquake M ≥ 5 earthquakes occurred 99 times, including: 8.0 earthquakes 1, 7.0 to 7.9 magnitude shiver 1, 6.0 to 6.9 earthquake 19 times, from 5.0 to 5.9 earthquake 78 times; 87 continental region, the sea and the Taiwan region 12 times. Wenchuan earthquake 8.0 importance earthquakes in the sequence 1, 6.0 8 6.9 earthquake, 5.0 ~ 5.9 earthquake 34, the mainland accounted for more than 5.0 earthquake half of the number.
17 times in mainland China earthquake disaster accidents. which is a 8.0 earthquake in 30 years China suffered the worst earthquake in nearly 10 years, the most severe normal disasters, dispose of strong intensity to Ⅺ degrees, bring an end to ...the country, South Asia, Southeast Asia, have felt. Sichuan, Gansu, Shaanxi, Chongqing, Yunnan, Ningxia and other places affected to altering degrees, involving 244 counties (cities, zones), 5,176 townships (towns), affected area of ​​440,400 square kilometers, population of 10,487.22 million related to the disaster area, of which nearly 7 million deaths, 370,000 wounded, nearly 2 million people missing, the affected population 3362.37 million people, the earthquake caused 852.3 billion yuan in direct economic losses.
16 other earthquake disasters, which caused 56 deaths and 1227 people were harmed, some 243.53 million people were affected, the affected area of ​​about 60,841 square kilometers, the direct economic loss of 7.187 billion yuan.
there were a crowd of geological disasters 2.7 million from geological disasters, resulting in 1598 casualties, including 656 deaths, 101 lacking, causing direct economic losses of 3.27 billion yuan. successful avoidance 478 geological disasters, the safe transmit of 2.1 million people, 3.2 billion in direct economic losses avoided.
sailor disasters in 2008, there were storm surge, waves, sea ice, 134 red tide and other maritime disasters, the tsunami disaster did not occur. Oceanic disasters caused a direct economic loss of 20.605 billion yuan, deaths (including missing) 152. which , storm tides of 25 times, direct economic loss of 19.224 billion yuan, deaths (including missing) 56; sea disaster 33 times, direct economic losses of 055 million yuan, deaths (including missing) 96; lighter than normal ice hazards, direct economic loss of 002 million yuan; 68 ruddy tides, direct economic losses of 002 million yuan; saltwater intrusion from the event 8.
measures and actions to strengthen meteorological disasters
【multi-sectoral emergency response and the State Council ministries and commissions to carry out joint】 emergency response, and common ward of meteorological disasters. China Meteorological Administration and the transportation, water conservancy, agriculture and other departments to give full activity to weather for transportation, flood control and drought, agricultural making features and role of services, timely refresh contingency plans put ahead proposals to do emergency state Summary information under, comprehensive coordination and elimination services. CMA launched the emergency response 15 times, a aggregate of up to 113 days the emergency response time, involving 15 provinces. in the meteorological department and the active efforts of local governments to mainly dwindle the temperature snow and ice storms, typhoons, heavy rain, speedy and other severe weather caused casualties and attribute losses.
Republic of China Earthquake Disaster Mitigation Act Amendment 【】 December 27, 2008 Eleventh Standing Committee VI conference examined and adopted the revised , post-earthquake reconstruction and other content has been modified and improved.
【seismic monitoring network and emergency command technology system With China Digital Earthquake Observation Network project approval, the National Seismic Network station number has increased from 48 to 150, the local seismic network of 21 to 31, more than 90% of the mainland area average monitoring capacity from 4.5 to 3.0 level, focusing most of China earthquake surveillance and protection zone, the densely populated coastal areas of major cities and the eastern 2.0 earthquake monitoring capacity. net earthquake rapid report shrank to 12 minutes. were completed 1 set of the State Council earthquake relief headquarters emergency command systems, a level of 15 local earthquake emergency systems, two types of regional earthquake 16 Emergency Command Technology System, 21 sets of earthquake site mobile emergency command systems, 60 major cities earthquake emergency response system and decision-making 30 regional earthquake emergency material storeroom, the initial formation of a national integrated, structured and common synergy of the Chinese Earthquake Emergency conductor technology system.
Department of Environmental Protection was established
2008 年 3 15, for the greater environmental policy, planning and coordinated efforts of major issues, the conference, judged to set up the environment Protection Department. The main duties of the Ministry of Environmental Protection to develop and organize the implementation of environmental plans, policies and standards, organizational readiness of environmental function zoning, supervision and management of environmental pollution control, coordinate and solve major environmental problems. in the State Council reform, the environment Protection Department is the only accommodate from directly under the State Council, composed of sector creations, entirely include the party and the country attached large importance to environmental protection. Department of Environmental Protection set up career development in environmental protection is important, historic transformation of environmental protection has a major role in promoting.
2008 年 7 11, the first batch of the State Council issued the changing functions, cancellation and devolution of administrative acceptance items related to a decrease of technical, clerical work, and further rationalize the division of responsibilities between departments, and strengthen the overall coordination and macro control, supervision and law enforcement and public service functions; added Chief Engineer , nuclear safety engineer and pollutant emission control, Division of Environmental Monitoring Division, Publicity and Education and other three inner apparatuses, an increase of 50 staffing, executive capability has been further strengthened.
three elementary strategic project smoothly
examine of pollution sources, the Chinese macro-environment, strategic research and the The household survey phase. and environmental protection departments at all levels of government work attach to focus their efforts on staff training, family survey, monitoring, technical verification, audit checks of five correlates, the manifold types of printed census forms, A citizen census of pollution sources Manual more than 50 million Members and other input to complete the industrial pollution, agricultural pollution, alive sources of pollution and pollution control facilities, centralized household survey and data entry work.
Strategy of China's macro-environment has been basically completed. intended a , scientific development, environmental security, ecological civilization and made a catena of policy recommendations for improving the environmental management system, sort out, Water Commission and the Ministry of Finance formally accepted the implementation of special procedures. project, with 105 issues. Ministry of Finance organized a special water projects were launched in 2008 reiterate, the special validation of water in 2008 expenditure budget of 480 million yuan the central government, and the first start-up asset allocated 144 million.
Sichuan earthquake environmental emergency
2008 年 5 月 12 日 8.0 earthquake occurred in Wenchuan County in Sichuan Province. After the disaster, the CPC Central Committee and State Council attached great importance to the general secretary *** made important directions, the State Council Premier Wen Jiabao was established to relief for the commander's headquarters, and set up relevant departments, naval, armed police and local party committees and governments responsible for human to participate in the salvage group, forecast monitoring groups, health groups, group life, resettlement, infrastructure group, the production recovery group , security groups, advocacy groups and other disaster relief working group 8. in agreement with the unified arrangements of the central authorities, the Environmental Protection Department of the hardest hit most of the shire and township industrial and mining enterprises, sewage treatment plants, landfills and other environmental protection facilities damage were investigated to guide disaster relief work, to discourage a crowd of secondary contamination occurred.
Environmental Protection Ministry launched the emergency plan for the first time, a affirmative response, in the affected areas to ensure environmental safety results. First, the development on the drinking water source protection and water quality monitoring, remedial waste disposal, transitional settlement sewage and garbage disposal areas, dangerous wastes and dangerous chemicals such as 37 emergency clean-up technical guidelines and regulatory documents, as disaster areas to invest a strong pollution prevention technical support. Second, the timely investigation and environmental risks, timely prevention and control of secondary pollution. focus on nuclear and radiation safety and the safety of drinking water, focusing on investigation and chemical and petrochemical companies, nuclear facilities and radioactive sources, chemical raw matters and oil tanks, sewage treatment plants, landfills, tailings, such as drinking water sources, the investigation enterprises 10237, On the investigation of major environmental hazards are base to take timely preventive and control measures, without causing significant environmental impacts. The third is to carry out emergency response monitoring, control disaster environment. rapid development of the embarked on the reconstruction of the related work. for disaster pestilence prevention agent and antiseptic warmhearted secondhand, carrion exudate, medical waste, pollution and other environmental problems of life build up famous growing menace of environmental pollution, start the Authority's requirements, the Environmental Protection Department, China Meteorological Administration, State Oceanic Administration and Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Shanxi, Inner Mongolia, Shandong six provinces (municipalities and autonomous regions) actively cooperate with the glory of > First, to develop the implementation of the Olympic air quality shields to ensure good air quality during the Olympics. formulated the part of the implementation of a number of enterprises to stop production or abandoned; further limit vehicle vehicle; the construction site to stop work.
The second is to carry out investigation and environmental safety risks. in conjunction with monitoring, agriculture and other sectors and local governments, quality insurance fathom of the project, Beijing, Tianjin and 47 thermal power plant flue gas line monitoring system for networking project completed in time.
third is to strengthen environmental monitoring, maintenance of environmental safety during the Olympic Games. around the drinking water source of Beijing environmental protection and nuclear safety, organizational Beijing , Tianjin, Hebei has launched the .8 7, extreme detrimental weather conditions in Beijing, the Beijing, Tianjin and environmental protection department sent five thousand people, six thousand of the key sources for a comprehensive investigation. Beijing, Tianjin, and Hebei provinces, municipalities adopted emergency control measures, the Beijing Shougang to halt, Yanshan Petrochemical, Beijing 105 polluting enterprises such as concrete or production line; Tianjin 14 companies suspended production and construction, Hebei Province, on the 164 problems, or remediation companies ordered to stop implementation of the finite production, cut measures, emergency shut down 48 cement producers; Inner Mongolia, do not shut down the 37 target enterprises; Shandong on the outstanding pollution control implementation of the 6 generating units outages; Shanxi shut down the six key pollution enterprises.
during the Olympic Games, the Ministry of Environmental Protection in Beijing and surrounding areas observed the city level and above 34, out of 1.5 million people who, for 34 cities conducted a comprehensive air quality monitoring, a total of more than 300 Olympic Check security projects, more than 200 state-controlled enterprises key sources of pollution, the investigation of the more than 10,000 sources of pollution. Beijing and nigh cities in 33 air quality monitoring are more than good, with no significant environmental emergencies.
After numerous exertions, the Olympic Games and Paralympic Games, Beijing wind quality was 100%, compared with a year earlier, sulfur dioxide, respirable particulate matter, carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxide concentration of 4 types of major pollutants down 50%, to fulfill the Olympic Games and Paralympic Games a nice ambient ventilation quality objectives.
sleet and ice storms south of environmental emergency
2008 年 10 January to 2 February, southern China suffered the hundred years of snow and ice storms climate processes, transmission, power displacement, communication facilities were severely damaged. To deal with potential environmental risks, the former State Environmental Protection Administration issued the investigation and environmental ministries have targeted security risks, the focus of drinking water source investigation, residents focused on residential areas and other environmentally emotional areas and pill, chemical and other high-risk enterprise, urging the relevant divisions, applied over time to clear the accumulation of snow melting deputy. when strengthening the supervision of post-disaster environment, carefully check ice storm on the implementation of pollution control to local businesses, online mar monitoring equipment, to strengthen monitoring and near monitoring afterward snowmelt water environmental impacts that may appear to assure the safety of drinking water affected areas. In this times during the snow and ice storms, occurs only a general cause of water pollution incidents caused by deicing salt, no more than a major environmental pollution incident.
br> environment and disaster monitoring and forecasting of small satellite constellation is to strengthen environmental monitoring, disaster mitigation and the first launch of a devoted satellite. The constellation consists of four optical satellites and four synthetic hole radar satellites. with a large range, all-weather, all days, the dynamic environment monitoring capacity .2008 September 6, China Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center Long March II C SMA away with a rocket, the success of Environment One A, B stars) into space. Environment One A, B stars in the resolution by the 2 small optical satellites, a constellation of the first step in building for the establishment of technical support system of environmental protection and laid a solid foundation; to improve the environmental pollution and ecological change, and disaster monitoring, early warning, appraisal, emergency rescue bid system provides a good platform. Meanwhile, China will greatly promote the international commute and environmental protection cooperation.
special operations to carry out environmental conservation, severely crack down on environmental violations
2008 年 local Party committees at all levels, the Government has actively implemented on environmental protection, Vice Premier Li Keqiang, the important instructions of the spirit of the special action, eight departments under the State Council's overall arrangements , depth environmental protection special action. the country has dispatched more than 160 million law enforcement commanders to check the company more than 70 milliin seasons, investigation and 15,000 corporate environmental law, supervise the handling of cases, more than 3,500 cases, more than 100 people were held amenable. focus on Since 2005 all levels supervise the handling of the 28,000 cases in 2007, more than 8,000 paper-making enterprises remediation and drinking water source protection area to carry out the post-inspectors, 97% of cases, supervise the handling of environmental issues have been a comprehensive reform law, 641 industrial policies do not meet the total amount of emissions targets and ultra-paper enterprises closed, 845 primary and secondary protection regions outfall and unlawful construction project was closed down. have been put into action in 1530 urban sewage treatment plants and 935 landfill was surveyed .82.4% of urban sewage treatment plant effluent tin meet the national or local standards, 85.5% of the sewage treatment plant installed in the outlet line monitoring facilities, sewage treatment plant sprinting load average rate additional to 71.8% 76.9%. arrayed more than 100 do not meet the specifications of the solid garbage landfill deadline for amendment. In addition, local environment is also increasing enforcement efforts in key river valleys, the country has improved the overall water quality in major creek valleys. through environmental protection special action to address the a number of public health shock of pollution, and promote the work of pollutant emission reduction, improved environmental quality in some areas.
the implementation of environmental economic policies and deepening
2008, the state promoting green credit, green assurance green trade, environment, green taxes and a series of implementation and deepening of economic policy, reducing the environmental costs of economic growth.
rapid progress in green honor. Department of Environmental Protection, People's Bank, China Banking Regulatory Commission (banking, commercial banking enterprises to adopt environmental law accordingly limited honor, stop credit, resumption of loans and other measures to enhance the corporate governance pollution, defend the environment. Department of Environmental Protection issued the green credit industry navigate to banks, investment institutions in the process of project financing nail environmental risks, enhance environmental protection projects.
green insurance permanence ...

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