Thursday, May 5, 2011

favor plants and birds for pterosaurs. At present

Marine bacteria Earth joined ingredients of all life sensing capability
【Sohu news,beijing massage, according to British science journal New Scientist, the science fiction movie biosphere of the planet and all life chained elements, including phosphorescence, like factories and birds as pterosaurs. At present, current study shows that the Earth also has, like , a life in the marshy seabed sediments sulfur bacteria swallowed with a characteristic biological sensing capability.
some researchers believe namely bacteria in the sea sediments microbial nanowires via the formation of a network articulation, the fine details of protein cable to carry the electrons to oscillate, production the bacterial community for a super-organism (a group of interdependent, joint practice, a unit of the creature, such as social insects). Currently, the University of Aarhus,toronto escorts, Denmark, Peter. Nelson and his team findings support the controversial methodology of evidence.
Nelson said: . before life as we comprehend it ought see like, what they can do and what no to do, all the upon conditions must now be considered a alteration of calculating. ,beijing escort, this phenomenon is more general in the seaman sediments. To attain this, micro-organisms alive in sea water of oxygen needed in the decomposition of sulfide is effortless to carry electronic.
Nelson and the research team in Austria Seoul Aarhus collected in the vicinity of the seabed sediment with the bacteria-rich samples in the laboratory they removed the 1st time in seawater and sediment samples ashore the replacement of the oxygen. so researchers were surprised that,shanghai escort, in the re-introduction of oxygen diffusion Prior to sediment samples, they found that the sample surface, measuring the depth of a few centimeters of bacteria release hydrogen sulfide gas has begun to decompose.
Nelson believe that the displacement among the protein filaments of bacteria melodrama one major character in the network,wet season, this transmission network enables remote oxidation of oxygen in the deep sediment examples of bacteria by protein filaments conduction electrons, the information is passed to the communication of oxygen-rich specimens of surface sediment samples, so that the oxygen-rich sediment samples of the surface area of ​​bacteria tin release oxygen. Nelson said that the process namely This process can be secondhand for the construction of microbial oil cells. Nelson said: grid. geochemist Venter Uribe Biological Association. Gobbi said: sex.

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