Thursday, May 5, 2011

health and sustainable evolution.

Decision-making meteorological services, public weather services,2010-04-01 | not look aboard the floor of loveliness,beijing massage, vocational weather service is still the state, provincial, prefecture and county levels system. Meteorology services to promote the sharing of information resources and the interests of affirmative interaction mechanism is established to encourage the intensive development.
43 decision-making Weather Services business division at always levels:
National: Decision Meteorological Service to the business heart as the foundation, via the citizen meteorological services, the monitoring and forecasting prophesy evaluation product processing,shanghai massage, packaging. to the State Council and at the same level or on decision-making narrated consolidated sector meteorological service products, unified report alternatively provide the label of the China Meteorological Administration. to other relevant divisions to provide the same level or above, the decision-making meteorological service products to the provision of meteorological service products element signature.
provincial level: decision-making weather services to the business center as the basis, through the provincial meteorological services, the monitoring and forecasting forecast evaluation product processing and packaging. for the provinces (autonomous districts and municipalities), party councils and governments at the same level or above and the related consolidated sector decision-making meteorological service products to provinces (autonomous districts and municipalities) to report or provide the name of Weather Bureau. to other relevant departments to provide the same level or above, the decision-making meteorological service products to the provision of meteorological service products unit signature. for the River Water Resources Commission services and products provided by the corresponding Hydrometeorological Center .
floor level: decision-making above the level of meteorological services to navigate product, combined with the local weather and climate characteristics and the tangible needs of meteorological services, meteorological services, product re-processing and packaging. decision-making ground-level meteorological service products to the name of Weather Bureau reported or provide.
County: guiding decision-making level above the weather service products, combined with the local weather and climate characteristics and the actual needs of meteorological services, meteorological services, product re-processing and packaging. decision-making meteorological service products to the county Bureau of Meteorology report or provide the name.
44 Why is the strengthening of public weather services is to promote social and economic needs of sustainable development?
improve climate change monitoring, prediction, remodelling and mitigation of climate change on the adverse effects of surroundings and development has been convert the peppery publish of global sustainable development. With the growing human activities, climate change will further threaten human survival and development of natural resources and ecological context system, the another acute places or sensitive sectors of the socio-economic development and people survival meaningful impact on the environment. In the environment of global warming, the abatement of extreme weather and climate events on the menace of social and economic development, strengthening catastrophe hindrance and mitigation, meantime averting drawbacks, climate change and the urgent need to reinforce the business-building trail. to carry out climate change science, impacts and countermeasure research and operational work, will aid to understand the climate system and their interactions amid various spheres, scientific truths about climate change and future climate change conditions, and its natural resources, nature, environment, answer to national development provide the scientific basis of climate change strategies for the implementation of great projects to provide scientific assessments, to ensure rapid socio-economic, health and sustainable development.
45 public weather service reform in several treads to implement?
premier stage Reform of start-up phase (first half of 2006). start the reform of public weather services, refining the layout of public weather services.
deepen the adjustment of the second phase of the reform phase (second half of 2006.) procedures created apt meet the basic requirements of public climate service layout and operation system.
perfect stage for reform, the third phase (2007-2010). into full obedience with program requirements and the public meteorological service system escaping.
46 Why climate change is not only a scientific issue and environmental issues?
20 centuries since the early 90s, the field of climate change international made a series of important results, the current climate change and its impact on the basic facts of the international community and has been widely acknowledged by the scientific community. Scientific Research that the current global climate is suffering a warming as the main trait in a significant change, human activities have led to approximately 50 years of general warming. from the world, the proceeded climate warming has on the global ecosystem and socio-economic system to produce a significant and far-reaching impact, extreme weather and climate events as well as the frequent incidence of the potential for momentary climate change occurs will cause the Earth and its ecosystems carrying capacity for the reduction of human society, such as edible, water and vigor supply shortages, etc. human survival and development and accordingly have a significant impact. at the national, regional or smaller scales, the temperature range may be greater (notwithstanding there are regional differences), climate change will have agriculture, water resources, ecosystems, sea levels and other negate impact, and will further exacerbate already solemn environmental problems such as lack of water resources in North China, River Headwaters Region, so as to national security and socio-economic sustainable development posture a serious threat. Therefore, the climate change issue is not only a scientific issue and environmental issues, but also energy issues, economic issues and political issues.
47 exotic climate change, status and trends of the business system, what is?
1979 convening of the First World Climate Conference and the World Climate Programme established its 4 sub-projects, that the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP), World Climate Impacts Programme, the World Climate Applications Programme and the World Climate Data Programme, opened a prelude to global climate studies In 1986, ICSU established the International Earth Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP), focuses on the biogeochemistry in the Earth system problems .1990, the International Social Science Council of the League launched the Human Dimensions Programme on Global Environmental Change (IHDP), focusing on specification, analysis and understanding of global change in the human factors In 1992, the International Association of Biological Sciences, the International Council of Scientific Unions and UNESCO jointly set up a Biodiversity Programme (DIVERSITAS), for the conservation and sustainable and reasonable use of biological variety to provide a scientific basis. At present, the The four scientific programs (WCRP, IGBP, IHDP, DIVERSITAS) established the Earth System Science Partnership (ESSP) is carrying out various joint research projects, devised to promote research and changes in the Earth system integration studies, and global sustainable use of these changes development ability.
to a proper understanding of climate change and its impacts, and more spheres of interaction, in array to carry out climate change research to invest tall quality, perennial homogenization of various types of observational data, the international community has likewise fired a sequence of observational programs , such for the Global Climate Observing System Programme (GCOS), Global Ocean Observing System Programme (GOOS), Global Terrestrial Observing System Programme (GTOS), Global Climate Observing System Programme antique (GPOS) and so ashore, the Global Earth Observation System (GEOSS), in its decade implementation plan initiated ambition know, assess, foresee, alleviate and adjust to climate variability and climate change as an important service absences, and in the detection, file processing and delivery of 2 to ten annuals to amplify the specific objectives. These observations intentions for the air, oceans, land systems above the climate system of physical, chemical and biological parameters, to aid the climate system monitoring, climate change detection and thinking, clash appraisal of climate change, climate prophecy and additional business simulation and research.
2001 年 4 months, to support the United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan launched the United Nations Millennium Ecosystem Assessment Programme (MA), studies to assess climate change and ecosystem interactions and influence. At the same time, the world's guiding scientific powers have develop and implement a national climate change research program, based disciplines into the development of a powerful impetus. the United States launched a mammoth national Global Change Research Program (USGCRP), focusing on interannual to century-scale climate change. UK 90 Ministry of the Environment, began from the 20th centenary established a series of global climate change issues, the main research for decades to predict the future of global climate change and its impacts and likely countermeasures. French Global Change Research Program focuses on climate change dynamics, sea-air m interaction, ocean's role in the carbon cycle, global atmospheric chemistry, the ozone wafer and ultraviolet radiation, climate change and other appearances of the ecosystem. Recently France has launched a Change Research Program to the greenhouse achieve and climate change research as a priority. Japan's global change research priorities, including greenhouse gases and global change, climate change on terrestrial ecosystems, coupled climate prototype, paleoclimate and paleoenvironmental change, global interaction between environment and human activities, and so on. Canada's national global change research in addition to supporting research, but also support information system construction and teaching, and also launched the Canadian climate program. Western countries, climate change research exertions, as they develop strategies and climate change rejoinder amounts to provide a solid foundation.
World Meteorological Organization and United Nations Environment Programme jointly established in 1988, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) as the chief entrance point to scientific issues, on climate change relative science, technology , social, and economic information and research data to make assessment and evaluation reports published regularly by the plan makers, the scientific community's care. as an independent scientific assessment of climate change in the intergovernmental bodies, IPCC to promote the international community and national government attaches importance to climate change, especially for the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change built a complete business system and framework for climate change. climate change science, there are still many uncertainties. projected to 2015, and currently plaguing many of the scientific and political issues of scientific uncertainty, such as climate change whistle detection, terrestrial ecosystems in the global carbon wheel, the role of the sea thermohaline prevalence changes and the impact and inspire in regional climate change and other issues, will be entirely resolved or partially resolved, the development of the science of climate change to a fashionable phase.
48 Why is air alteration, construction business system requirements as the evolution of modern science and technology?
either climate change and establishing business systems to meet national needs, but also for the development of international climate change science and technology frontier subserve the development of Earth System Science. Global climate change research represents the tearing corner of the field of globe science. Climate change daring scientific problems, which involves more than circle the earth among the physical, biological, chemical, process and sociology complicated interactions. Because there are still a lot of scientific uncertainty, climate change impact studies and countermeasures difficult to get a explicit conclusion. present the development of climate change science is distant failed to meet the growing national social and economic development needs. relevant international unions and earth important countries have developed a variety of climate change science program, vigorously strengthen science of climate change research to the next ten years in a significant reduction in scientific uncertainty, and better for regional economic development and the welfare of human society. China ought take this chance to quest in the shortest period to heave China's level of research in this field, to meet national trends and their impact on climate change forecasts for the domestic and international climate change increasingly Suggestions urgent needs, but also for climate change research and business development challenges.
operations to carry out climate change will help identify and resolve existing climate change, some existing areas of converge of scientific issues, such as: different time scale predictability of climate change issues; land, ocean and cryosphere these signals, and regional climate change and its predictability; the different spheres of the climate system for future contributions to sea level changes, the uncertainty prediction; current and historical climate change, climate change, in the manner, intensity, and on regional similarities and distinctions. In addition, related with climate change extreme weather and climate memorabilia and vulnerabilities are what we have to disburse special attention to important issues. Therefore, by increasing the physical climate system and the scientific understanding of climate processes, to further understand the biochemical processes changes, to decide to what amplitude climate can be predicted and the impact of human activities on climate level, working to improve and enhance the interaction among various spheres of the climate system, understanding, in order to better understand the global and regional climate change and predict the occasions and the frequency of extreme weather memorabilia to provide a scientific basis and severity.
49 of the main climate change issues and gaps in what?
Although China's climate change attained rapid development,shanghai massage, but with the international progressive operational work on climate change than the lack of long-term strategic planning, adequate funding, more importantly, have as yet fully established a high level of the juvenile scientists study climate change as the spine of the group, which also lack innovative scientific achievements, economic development can not meet the growing demand for international environmental foreign affairs.
1,beijing massage, based on data quality can not meet the business needs of modern climate change, as climate change and the fact namely an important test of uncertainty an factor. observation is to carry out an important basis for the business of climate change, but our new data series accustomed by maximum nobody of the homogeneity test and revised, the lack of message on climate change, warmhearted adopted data sets. In appending, the business of climate change used by many global and regional scale data products from the developed countries, chiefly deserving to China is not a comprehensive data set of high-quality products, original and more basic processing of data products, but very few deep-processed products, such as high-resolution rate of grid data products and seas, sparsely populated areas are the lack of information limits the development of climate change and amend the business. In addition, China has by far set up specifically for climate change observing systems tin not meet the climate change research and business work needs.
2, China's technological development of earth science in general to be improved. China's climate change research work has made considerable achievements, but the current generation and conservation of physical and chemical mechanisms of the climate system, interaction and the future impact of human activities, understanding is limited, thus limiting the extent of climate change in the estimated levels. Uneven spatial distribution of modern climate observations, the relating rarity of historical climate agent data, makes the facts of history and modern understanding of climate change, there is large ample. climate system model of development lags back, with a huge gap between the advanced world level, China has even now established a complete methodology of climate change projections and impact assessment system and so on. The science of climate change on both the international problems to be solved, is also a serious problem in China.
3, climate change and the business system is still in its early stages. the field of climate change, China made a lot of latent with business transformation and technological completions. but because of funding, equipment, personnel, etc. reasons, the results are not yet fully carry out the business transformation, resulting in scientific research and business services out of line. Meanwhile, the climate change framework required for operations, processes, standards and norms have not yet fully established, the business product scope of climate change less, and the lack of ample systematic and targeted to policy makers, scientific community and the general public the ability to provide comprehensive services, weak decision-making of employees, technology and public services need to raise awareness. In addition, regional and provincial The business of climate change is relatively languid, and some equitable started, can not meet the overall national economic construction and the development of China's meteorological needs, particularly of services for local economic development should be strengthened.
4, caustic climate change, business workers inadequate. With the quick progress of national social and economic rapid development of the business of climate change capacity-building needs are increasing, climate change research and business expansion go is being carried out with great fanfare, but the status of personnel is no optimistic, especially the lack of compound professionals and have a comprehensive, multi-level personnel architecture, climate change and business services in carrying out the work, encountered excellent difficulties.
50 forecast business climate Monitoring and Diagnostic Products resolution?
universal monitoring of the grid resolution of not fewer than 2x2 (latitude and longitude), the National Monitoring of not less than 0.5x0.5 (latitude and longitude). regional and provincial business climate monitoring grid resolution of not less than the citizen operational class.
51 provincial climate business productions
(1) Climate Monitoring and Diagnostic business products
br> (1) Climate Monitoring and Diagnostic business products
(1) climate monitoring diagnostics business products

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